"Unconscious" Chapter Seven

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Third Person

          It's been a day without Dream. Ink couldn't attend to Blueberry's party, along with Dream, since he was missing. The party, as you know, was a sleepover. Therefore it's still going on, and Swaps brother texted Ink every two hours. Ink was really tempted to take up ERROR's offer to help find Dream, but he didn't trust him. This was all his fault! But, that might just be Ink's anger talking. Who knows, but he sure as hell was part of it.

         He has been sitting in the void, watching many screens. The one infront of him was focused on Blue's party, and everything was going well. All the other screens, though, they were switching through AU's and showing places where Dream could possibly be.

     Sitting in a bean bag chair for thirteen hours hurt his spine, so he leaned back and grabbed his phone. Needing a break, he called Reboot to see if he could be of some assistance.

     "Hello?" Reboot picked up after a few rings from the phone. "Hey, Boots." Ink greeted, sounding very gloomy. "Ink, hi! Why do you sound all... depressed?" Ink yawned, preparing to reply. "I didn't sleep last light or take a break at all, so -yawn- could you help me watch for Dream?"

     His eyes drooped, demanding that he rest. "Sure, want me to bring Goth? He'd be of some use to look at more places than one," Ink nodded, not saying anything. "Uh, Ink?" He jumped, gripping the phone tightly. "Uh, yeah, sure.." "Okay, be there soon!" He hung up and turned the location on in his settings.


     "Hey, er, Reboot?" Goth panicked, watching one of twelve screens. "Yes?" He replied, turning his head to Goth but not looking away from the screens. "Who is that?" With a shaky voice and hand, he pointed to the screen in the bottom line, that was in the center.

    Reboot finally averted his eyes, looking to another screen. "Him? Oh, that's Marvul. Otherwise known as Swap Dream." Marvul looked like he was talking to someone, then a foot stepped out. But the screen changed. "T-There was someone else! How do we make it go back?!"

     Sitting up, Ink yawned again. "Find anything..?" He said in the void, where everything echoed and things can't be retraced. "We just saw Marvul and someone else, but we don't know how to go back." Reboot said calmly. Ink anxiously asked which screen it was, and switched it back when he got an answer.

     There were three sets of footprints in the dust of Hotland. It took place in DustTale, so they assumed the third was Dust. "What were you so worked up about, Marvul?" Reboot looked at Ink as he glared at the screen, looking for Dust.

     "He attacked me. Kinda, at least.." Trailing off, he looked into Dust's house, only to find him sleeping. Ink started to mutter things under his breath, but the others couldn't hear. "What was that..?" Goth asked, and it was directed towards both of them.

     "I said that Dust wasn't the third. There is someone else.. Although, Dust may have a role in their.. 'game'," Ink was staring at Dust while he slept like a murderous baby, dust all over his hands and feet.

     Ink stared off into space, losing focus while in thought. "We'll find someone to talk to him, ask him if he's part of their team," One of the guests had said, and then Reboot and Goth left. "We'll also warn everyone to be cautious." That was Reboot.

     "Okay.." Ink mumbled, rubbing his wounded skull. 'I need to get this healed up before fighting..' Ink winced, hand jerking away from the growing crack. 'I should do that, then I can focus on Dream.' Looking to where Goth and Reboot last stood, he sighed. It hadn't even been half an hour and he grew tired. What was he to do?

     Yawning he stood up, and wrapped his scarf around his whole skull, kinda like a hat but a scarf at the same time. Using his paintbrush, he made a portal. It showed the party, and everyone was getting ready to leave. Goth, Reboot, Blue and Stretch were all talking close to the center of the room.

     Walking through, he put his paint brush aside on the ground. "Hey, Blue," he greeted tiredly, holding his head. "INK!! Oh my STARS! Is your wound healing alright?! Do you need help?"

     Blue flooded Ink with questions, making it seem like it was another day. He sighed, smiling with half lidded eyes. Yawning once more, he spoke. "Yes, yes, I'm fine, just waking up, is all..." he stretched, smiling at everyone.

     "Yo, Ink, my man." Stretch grinned, fist bumping Ink. "Ey, Broskiiiies!!!" "Oooh, no.." Ink facepalmed, groaning in disappointment.

     "Aww, why the long radical face, homie?" Fresh, a parasite, teased Ink. He grinned, like everyone else in the room. "I feel... unwell." Ink said, face darkening and eyes closing with his smile fading. Then, Ink fell to the ground, no expression on his face.

      "Oh my Asgore!" Blue yelled, instantly kneeling down to Ink's aid. His breathing was shallow, and his head was warm. "I'll bring him home, Sans." Stretch offered, eye sockets filled with worry. "O-okay, I'll get some things for him from the store."

     Goth was worrying with Palette and Reboot, Fell randomly coming over asking for extra food. They got mad at him for not being concerned about Ink, and he wandered off grumbling.


     Ink was unconscious, body in a paralyzed like state. He was dreaming. It shown Dream, and Nightmare had him chained up in chains so he couldn't teleport. Nightmare gave him a box that didn't match what so ever. It had.. another rose. A blue one. 'Oh stars, please don't hurt him!' Ink was thinking about how to save him, but their next actions caught his attention. It skipped to a new time.

     There being no sound, he had no idea what they were talking about. But Dream was screaming and crying at Nightmare, while he laughed and grinned like a fool. Dreams staff was thrown behind them, and it was almost all covered in black slime. Then, Nightmare gave him a black rose, that did not wilt.

     How didn't it wilt? Does he actually have no part in this plan? But he gave him two roses! He must have a part in this phenomenon! Or.. was it just coincidence.... Next, while Ink was paying attention with a pained face, Nightmare gave him a- a screen!! He can see Ink! But, wait.. He can't even begin to know how to use a screen!

     Anyway, that offer ERROR brought up was still standing, he thought. Was that his only option? Or were there others he could ask for help? Well, whatever he was going to do, he needed to think fast.
For, Dream, the one he was aiming to save, may become one of those roses.. and there's a low chance of that being the rose that never wilted.

1712 Words


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