"AU Power" Chapter Thirteen

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Third Person

          Nightmare wandered in an AU where the Underground was bare. It had no monsters, humans, nothing. Living, that is. Nothing living. A happy sigh flowed from his mouth as he teleported to his castle. He and his comrades would stay in his castle of nightmares while Ink and ERROR stayed in the void. Then what did he need the extra space in the abandoned Underground for? In case something went wrong with his plan, but nothing will go wrong with it. Dust walked in with SwapFell Sans(who was dragging his brother by a collar). They went to the next room, talking. Nightmare was bored. Suddenly, an idea struck him. He could start his plan early! Yes, that'd take care of his boredom. He teleported to FlowerFell. Sending a text to Cross he demanded that he came now. And Cross came right away. The Sans of this AU walked on the snowy pathway, sighing into his scarf. Nightmare smirked, summoning a cage of bones around Sans.

          "H-Hey!  What the hell?!?!  Let me out!  Now!" The caged skeleton screeched, glaring at the Sans imposters. Nightmare grinned, his one showing eye socket hooded. Cross followed behind Nightmare as he walked to who he trapped. "I said, let me out!" He growled, yelping as Nightmare summoned his soul without permission.

          "No." Nigtmares smirked, holding the red-orange soul close to his chest. His own soul came out, halfway forming with the orangish soul. Forcefully. The caged Sans chocked, growling in pain. His eye sockets watered as he tried not to cry. When the redness from his soul started to drain he cried out, the eye-lights in his eye sockets starting to dull. His soul quickly became a dark grey as his face grew plane. All emotions besides sadness and pain drifted in his skull as he loosened his bones. Now his soul was fully free of a color besides grey. His face was dull as Nightmare let down the bones from around him. He grinned, watching to see how this Sans would react. He just stood there bored and dazed. Then he walked away, saying nothing. "I think this plan will go painfully well." Nightmare grinned insanely. Cross nodded his head, managing to summon the whole FlowerFell code and bringing out one big soul. That soul stood for every monster soul in this AU, and they'd have to do the humans souls separate.

          "Here." Cross muttered. He moved the giant red soul over to Nightmare. He smiled, taking it and doing the same process he did to that soul as he did with the single soul. While he did this, the whole Underground became more dull in color as everything grew a sad, eerie feeling. When Nightmare finished he looked at his soul - which his black tar covered hands held - and it was still black. It was glowing a slight translucent blue around it as the black started to disappear from the bottom. He didn't know that would happen. This wasn't supposed to happen. Suddenly, he felt an urge of power. Maybe.. instead of changing his looks, it'd change his power level. Of course he knew that would happen, but he just wasn't expecting the soul change during the process. He released the power he felt, and saw as the AU's soul color started to come. He conjoined half his soul with the AU's soul again, taking its power. So this is how it was to be done.

          "Cross, text ERROR and tell him to get ready to store all the codes that are soon to look like this.  Okay?" Nightmare demanded, mesmerized by his soul. Without a word Cross did as told, grabbing his phone and texting ERROR.

-NM wants you 2 get ready 2
collect all the codes that look
like flowerfells new code-

          ERROR didn't respond yet, and Cross put his phone away. Nightmare put his soul away, turning to Cross with a blank stare. "I hope you know how you will end in this operation." Cross didn't respond with movement or words, just stood there. Nightmares nodded to himself, humming as he teleported to his castle. Cross followed suit. When they got there Nightmare called everyone to the main room. "Cross, film this and send it to ERROR.  Tell him to use ear buds when he listens to it." Cross nodded unhappily. He wasn't happy, yet he wasn't sad or mad. Just emotionless.

          Nightmare coughed to clear his throat as everyone on his team came in. The UnderFell Brothers, SwapFell and FellSwap Brothers, Fresh, Dust(and his ghost brother), DustSwap Papyrus, and a few more. SwapDream was also there, along with SwapInk. "So.  We have set the plan into action." Nobody said anything. "Ink shall not be a problem, as ERROR has informed me that whenever we drain and AU of it's power he weakens." A few murmurs sounded in the air. "Therefor, we have no worry about him.  He will die once we take the code of enough AU's," He explained, walking around. "So yeah." He shrugged, looking around with a raised brow as he looked at all the skulls. "Any questions?"

          "Uh, yeah." Marvul sarcastically said, leaning on the wall and rolling the eye-lights in his eye sockets. "You never told us where the dining room was.  Where is it?" Some skeletons laughed, and Nightmare glared.

          "You're not the class clown in this 'class'," Nightmare's said in a sassy tone, tentacles growing from his back. HorrorTale Sans nudged Marvul, chuckling and saying something. Marvul laughed at whatever he said. "Now, any meaningful questions?"

          "Yeah, what happens to us once you decide to build your, 'new world'?" A sour voice snarled. Nightmare looked at the owner of the voice, trying to think of a lie. It was Eraser who said that(SwapInk). Nightmare sighed, looking at him.

          "Whatever you want to happen.  But note this, some of you may die. So be prepared for that," Someone said 'woo hoo!' or something after Nightmare stated that and everyone hushed him. Nightmare smiled, coughing again. "Now, I am assigning everyone to take care of two to five AU's.  You can do however many you want," And he walked to the other side. "If you are a group of two you can just double the amount you were going to do or something.  I don't care.  But after you do that I will give further instructions and I will take the new-found power from your souls.  Because if your AU souls take in too much of this power it could kill you." He explained, walking to his throne and sitting. "Now get rest, we have a lot to do tomorrow."

          Everyone left to their new rooms, talking amongst themselves as they left. Nightmare sighed. What a day. Now he had to tell ERROR what to do. Cross sent the video of Nightmare talking to ERROR, saying that he wanted to have this sent to him. ERROR wasn't really one to reply to texts so he just read it. Cross rolled his eyes, putting his phone away and following Nightmare as he walked to his room. His room was right across from Nightmare's, so he heard every movement Nightmare made. Whenever he left, had a rough night, anything like that.

Words: 1216

         So yeah. I know how this book all end and what happens. There are many plot holes, and this book is not being serious one(BUT IT DOES HAVE AN EPIC ENDING YO).

No Empty Promises [Ink X Error] FINISHEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang