The two stories intertwin Pt.1

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Darren: You're-?!
???: Yeah, I'm Amber.
Darren: Amber.....Amber.
Amber: You might need my help for this.
Andrew: What do you *sees her skin, and a long snake tail down her skirt, fangs from her mouth and very sharp pupils* Actually! What are you?
Amber: I'm a snake mutant, I assure you I'm harmless now.
Mako: Girl! How can we tell?!
Amber: Ugh! I'll explain as throughly as possible.

While they all are talking, A message from Brainor has come towards earth!
Brainor: Earthlings! My boss Lord Doomsday has a few words to say!
Doomsday: Greetings! I am Lord Doomsday! Boss of the Space Zoo.
Darren: That's the boss! Ugly as always.
Paul: Oh no, this message has more to it! Just listen!
Doomsday: This message is for the Power Rangers of earth! Stop what you're doing now before you die. By me or the leaders of your planet! If one of the Power Rangers is watching? You should give up while you still have a chance! Or else you'll fail to protect this planet.
The message was over and Paul got angry.
Paul: Damn him! He didn't even explain his plan fully!
Zean: What was his plan?
Paul: He has to gather all species of the planet, including all the undiscovered ones and turn it into a supernova bomb.
The rangers were shocked to here this.
Lisa: B-B-Bomb? That was his plan?!
Darren: With all species of the earth, Including fossils! They had life within them! We have to want the Dino OverCharge Rangers!
Amber: If you want to contact my brother than I'll do it!
Darren: Wait! *remembers Caesar (Caesar: You and Rex are alike.)* This is what he meant! Caesar told me that Me and Rex have little sisters! You must be her!
Amber: About Time.
Amos: Then does this Rex guy have a older brother? That would be straight up copycat.
Amber: We didn't because he died before Rex was born, I learned that from mom two weeks after I entered high school.
Taka: Wait! You go to a normal school?!
Mako: But How? I mean you're a mutant!
Amber: I go to Xavier's sanctuary of education. A school for all mutants of all ages, from grade school to college education.
Taka: Then can you please help me with y homework then!
Lisa: *punches him in the gut* Okay! That's enough goofing around. Tell us, How does Fossils content life?
Amber: If you know you're dinosaurs than you should know. Fossils are basically the final stage of life being carried on. Like the circle of life, The Brachiosaurs eat tree leafs, Then A T-Rex comes and eats it, the life being passed down to one another is what makes life interesting.
Darren: How do you learn all this?!
Amber: I've been taught Biology from a mutant for most of my life, So I'm well ahead of your standard education.
Amy: Well I ain't calling you my superior!
Amber: I'm can tell we're all the same age.
Darren: I'm seventeen, August 20th.
Mako: I'm seventeen, March 13th.
Taka: I'm sixteen also, September 15th.
Andrew: I'm seventeen, November 12th.
Amy: I'm Seventeen, March 18th.
Abigail: I'm seventeen, August 21st.
Paul: I'm sixteen, and my birthday is two weeks from now, May 26th.
Amber: I'm seventeen also, born on February 14.
Keoki: On Valentine's Day?! How the hell?!
Dana: That is the same with me?! So are we twins?!
Amber: Not are what to call each other, we're not twins because we're not related.
Ricardo: Anyways! Enough personal stuff. Amber. Tell us what your brother, Rex Blakeston has been through. We all know that his team died once right?
Keoki: What?!
Dana: So we know a ghost?!
Darren: He.....never told me that.
Amber: I witnessed it, It was painful! Future Rangers are so corrupt! Will that future be fake when this happens?
Mako: We need to know how are They're alive!
Amber: Oh! I was about to get to that part! On topic that wasn't covered in standard biology. The human soul.
Rangers: The human soul?!
Amber: Yes, There are states in life that archived within our life. (picture a circle!) the top is birth, the way down of the circle is called life, then go to the bottom which is death, then the status known as rebirth is the other half of the circle.
Paul: A life Cycle! You're genius!
Amber: HmHm! Thanks! *Rex calls on the phone* Hi brother!
Rex: *On the phone* Amber?! Where are you right now?!
Amber: I'm at the Rescue Beasts headquarters, why do you ask?
Rex: *On the phone* Tell everyone in that building to get out of there! It's target for a middle that is coming!
Amber: A Missile?! Coming here?! When will it strike?!
Rex: *On the Phone* I'll call you when I get more info! This is all the information I have because I'm getting chased here! *gunshots* AHH!!
Amber: *Hears a crashing sound through her phone, and the call was disconnected* Oh No!
She tries to run off but Darren stops her,
Amber: What the hell?! I'm going to save my brother!!
Darren: He'll be fine!
Amber: Don't give me that shit!!
She slaps him with her tail and get more pissed.
Amber: I lost my brother once and I won't lose him again!!
She now runs to where Rex crashed.
Mako: Are you Okay?!
Zean: Damn! It left a mark!
Taka: What do you think?! That Probably felt like a wipe!
Amy: Okay! Let's take her word and get out of here! There is a missile coming here right? We need to go out of its of range!
Keoki: Everyone! Let's go take an exit!
Dana: I got it! Hold my hand! And everyone join With you're teammate's! I'll teleport us out of here!
Andrew: You can do that?!
Ricardo: I'll take any means of getting out of here! Let do it!
Lisa: I'll hold your hand Taka!
Taka: I will hold yours too!
They all joined hands and Dana chanted a few words.
Dana: As one union! We must live to fight our life as it is a struggle now! I commence the! We teleport!
They all warped out of the base to a mountain that is across Amber beach and Jungle Grove. They saw the small missile blow up the isolated base. The Rescue Beast Rangers are left with no home anymore as they are upset that they fixed that base from when they were enemies of the Jungle Force Rangers.
Lisa: Now where are we gonna operate?! That felt like a home I never left before.
Taka: Its Okay, You can live with me if you want?
Lisa: Really?!
Taka: Sure we can. I mean I live with my parents and I want to help you find yours. Since you did say to me that you lost them, It my mission now to help you find your loved ones and take care of you.
Lisa: Oh Taka! You're a true hero to me.
She kissed him very passionately and the team was shocked.

After all that was over, Darren decided on something in mind.
Darren: Alright! Everyone! Let's Looks for Amber and Rex! If you spot any Dino OverCharge Rangers! Let me know! Team up with them and let's find a way to stop Doomsday from building hay bomb!
Rangers: Yeah!
They all hoped into their zords and While Darren was in the air, He saw a Mecha Lion that was supposed to belong to an animal based team.

 Darren: Alright! Everyone! Let's Looks for Amber and Rex! If you spot any Dino OverCharge Rangers! Let me know! Team up with them and let's find a way to stop Doomsday from building hay bomb!Rangers: Yeah! They all hoped into their zords and Whil...

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