Orca-use the mentor's past

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Keoki woke up in the penguin lands of Zoo-land where he is being restored by an old friend, "Thanks Mumble, After I get warm... I'm gonna save the Rangers" said Keoki, "You can't! What happened to Tessa will happen to you too! Do you wanna risk your own life just for some kids?!" Mumble argued, "Hey! It's their destiny to protect all the species of earth! Not me! I already had enough but the front lines now call for my bad luck as a leader to save the heroes who need saving!!" Keoki argued back and Mumble then said "You're pretty brace for someone who can't morph", Keoki ran out and slides across the ice and snow and goes through a portal made by his humanoid Zoo-man power led back to the human realm, he is going to get help.

At the Rangers position, King Turtle was taking a nap in the other room, "Hey Andrew, did Keoki tell you that he was a ranger? I mean you trained along with him" Mako asked, "No, there was hints in his words but I couldn't read them" Andrew responded, "Well, Are we f*cked or what? We gotta get out here before Keoki decides to go suicidal" Taka says, "He won't, -The others look at her in question- I saw him fight my former master, and he was flawless and his fighting style is like he was playing with the opponent, I was inspired by him as he was my idol that made me stay in Pai Zhua" Amy spoke up, "Darren, what about you? Do you think we should get out of here?" Mako asked him, "I don't know, We gotta have faith in Keoki rescuing us, I heard the he had terrible luck as the leader of his team, He was the real lost ranger of his time because he was one punched out of the battle with another animal mixed species, and never came back, then people that knew him assumed that he was dead. If he passed away, how is he gonna walk and stay with the Fox Zoo-man he loved?" Darren asked them and they were silent.

{This part of the story is part of another one, so be sure to check out that story as soon as you're done with this chapter}

Keoki appeared out of nowhere but it was in a middle of a battle, "Long time no see, Keoki!" Damian greeted, "Damian, I heard the you have a man for your sister, Is he a ranger? If he is! I need him for something" Keoki responded, "Need me! For what?" Said Regi, "My team is about to be executed in Zoo-land, I need to rescue them before it happens" Keoki explained, "You're telling us that Tessa's killers are gonna kill the Jungle force Rangers just for trespassing! That is just low on so many levels!" Bailey joined in, "Are three gonna help me or not?! We gotta go now!" Keoki rushed back into the portal pulling Regi's arm and the others went after him, and so did two other Rangers who snuck in.

At the Rangers postition, The execution was about to start, "For all of Zoo-land and it's people! These humans will be our sacrifice!" King Turtle said his speech until someone said "WE OBJECT!" And flew above the crowd and they all see more humans. "What! Did you wanna pay more tribute too? I got more ropes to tie you all in!" He said, "Save it old Hag! We're here to set these heroes free!" Bailey cried, "We're in the right here! These and you pathetic humans are nothing but criminals to us!" King Turtle shouted, "Not quite! Five years ago, You claimed that the Tessa the Fox Zoo-man I married was killed by my kind, but it was actually you! You wanted the Fox species to be extinct so the Nine-tailed fox can't come into your world! You killed my the candidate for Ninetails as if she was girlfriend and now dead wife!!" Keoki shouted the truth and the crowd was uneasy, "You can't listen to these humans and -He noticed that the Rangers were gone- Where did they go?!" He exclaimed, "Right here!" As two ninja appeared and was carrying them all in their shoulders, "Lloyd! Natalie!" Damian and Bailey cried, "We may have failed to have defeated Lord Drakkon, but we can't let another team be killed! Right guys?!" Lloyd called out and some more humans showed up, "It's about to get more wild once we are here!" Rex from Dino Overcharge came to the scene. Darren and the others woke up and their animal selves came to aid them, "Darren, We came to give you your new powers that you couldn't handle before. Unleash all the power on these dictators!" Eagle man and the others went into the Chi cubes, "Now! One last thing!" He said, Keoki ran up towards the King Turtle and he dropped the Ice blue Chi cube morpher, "Alright Rangers! You all ready?!" Keoki called the shots, but Rex went first "Its Morphing Time! Dino charger! Ready! -clicks- [Mecha voice: T-Rex charger! Engage!] Energize! Ha! Unleash the Power!!" He morphed into his red ranger form once again, "Power Star! Lock in! Ready! Ninja Spin!!" Natalie and Lloyd morphed into their Green and silver Ninja Steel modes, "Dino Charger! Ready! -Clicks- [Mecha voice: Spino Charger! Engage!] [Mecha voice: Indominus Charger! Engage!] Energize! Ha! Unleash The Power!!" Damian and Bailey morphed into the Talon and Quartz Rangers, "Its Morphing Time! -Holds a power coin in his hand triangle- Spinosaurus!" Regi morphed into his Golden Spino Ranger for the remade movie of Power Rangers. "Chi Cubes! Open!" -button pressing- Eagle! Shark! Lion! Elephant! Tiger!...-Closes the cube- Awaken the Power!" The Rangers twist the cubes and they opened it again but Keoki was left out, "Its My turn! Ice Chi Cube! Open!
-button pressing- Orca! Instincts Awakend!" He twist his cube and opens the top again to morph into his 95, Roll call time!:
Rex: Tyrannosaurus! Red Dino Ranger!

Power⚡️Rangers: Jungle Force storyWhere stories live. Discover now