Earing your stripes

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(Amy's get to know chapter)

[Saturday night, in another area]
<flashback dream> Casey: Take this cube, you'll learn how to use it when the time comes. Young Amy: What do I do now? Casey: Go find your family in the city nearby here, I want you to be happy without being in Pai Zhua. Young Amy: Master Casey, I'm not sure about this. Sure I maybe kissed and slept with many girls but that doesn't mean you gotta get me out!

Amy woke up in the woods from a flashback dream, "I hate having not to be training, I know my sexuality is hard to figure out but am I for a man, I'm only 15, I should be like all the other kids and play with boys my age" Amy forced herself back to sleep.

Amy woke up the next morning, packed her things and left that camping ground. Amy finally made it to the city, "At last! Oak Branch city! I made it so I can find something to do, maybe I can be like everyone else" Amy walked down from the view and decided to shop, but when she got there.....She realized she didn't have any money, "Oh yeah! I don't have any money at all" Amy was sad, "Amy!! I'm right here!" Someone was calling her name, "Ahh! Ryan! I didn't know you were here all this time" Amy was now smiling, "When I got kicked out of Pai Zhua, I stumbled around here and life is fun as it used to be, but it wasn't the same without you" She told her, "So what happened? Did they kick you out too?" Ryan asked, "Well, Master Casey told me to find fun outside of the temple, plus now I wanna be like a normal person while trying to be myself" Amy told her, "Enough about the past, I wanna get some clothes because I wanna go to high school, I bet I'll meet some new and old friends too" Amy suggested, "Ok! Let's make you look good!" Ryan said cheerfully. The girls were having fun shopping and Amy found some good school outfits, and now Amy and Ryan are having a bite to eat, "After this, let's get you registered for Caviler high school, I bet you'll find the perfect love like a guy who is smart, strong and very handsome" Ryan explains while Amy interrupts saying "Like him!" Pointing at Darren while he is with Mako, "No, I'm pretty sure those two are dating by now" Ryan declined, "Why?" Amy asked, "Because Darren is smart and all but he has no idea how to date women, Look! -Points out the obvious- they're about to kiss" Amy and Ryan were looking closely and They saw Darren and Mako just hugging instead, "Oh C'mon! Things were about to get good!" Ryan complained, "I hope I can get hugged by that guy some day" Amy went off to daydreaming the day away then went back to more shopping. Ryan was finished shopping with Amy, "You know Amy, I think you'll love Forest high, it's the best place to learn from teachers and from students around you. Plus the guy who was with that girl is very smart it's hot" Ryan squeals like a fan girl, "Ok, I might need to find my parents and talk to them about this, because I want to be with you, and no one can discriminate me any longer" Amy said with pride, "Alright! Lioness and Tigeress going to school together! The hottest thing is our friendship!" Ryan cheered and Amy out of joyfulness directly kissed Ryan on the lips then Ryan was shocked so she backed away, "Whoa! Ok! Now I figured why you're kicked out of Pai Zhua" Ryan said, "Sorry! I was just so happy and I couldn't help it! I'm only turned on by girls only. I'm sorry!" Amy was all sad and it looked so......CUTE! "Ok, we can be those types of friends, but only on one condition! On your first day, use everything that I'll teach you now and then we'll have this lesbian relationship" Ryan explained and Amy cheered up, the two went to Amy's parents house and registered her for Forest high school, "Ok! That was fun! I can't wait for tomorrow!" Amy jumped on her bed that she hasn't been on in 4 years (Back story to this was something happened and she ran away without even knowing that she did, sounds confusing but all will be explained better as the character develops), (and her cube from master Casey is glowing white while she begins to sleep).

Amy woke up out of bed and got ready for her first day in school, "Alright! Time to go!" Amy ran out of the door to get to campus, then she went to the office to get her class schedule then found the man she saw before, It was Darren but this time he was with Andrew and Taka, "Hey!" Amy waves to get Darren's attention, "Oh! Hi, haven't seen you around here before" Darren replied back, "Yeah, I'm new here and could you tell me where my first class is?" Amy asks, Darren takes a look at her paper and says "Oh! you're in the same class as all of us! That's very lucky of you", "Thanks, let's go together" Amy suggested, "Yeah, class will be starting soon in....-checks the time-...Five minutes" Darren said, "Five minutes! What am I doing? I gotta turn in all my late work that we worked on!" Taka ran for it, "I gotta go too! I'll Meet you and Mako in class!" Andrew ran for it also and Amy was feeling concerned "Whose Mako? Is she your girlfriend?" Amy said in a jealous tone, "She is a girl but she just my friend and.........she just enjoys my company while I'm with her" Darren explains, "Phew! Ok, now I understand" Amy and Darren walked to class while having a conversation.

Class has now started and Amy was about to introduce herself, "Hello, I'm Amy, and I came from the...uh....-she remembers what Ryan told her to say-...I came from the country side of town" She said, "Ok, now take your seat now, right below Mako on her right" said the teacher and class is now in session.

(Author: Now that the main five characters have to spotlight, let's make the actual team morph next chapter! Then we'll focus on Keoki after we get seventh ranger)

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