Dread-beard's plan of ambush

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(A never before seen character but has been known be fans of my Ninja Steel Green Ranger, You might not believe who returns)

A man was seen from a rooftop as the Jungle force rangers were fighting a battle,
???: These rangers, I want to show them what this legacy has to offer for them.

Back to the fight, Darren finished off a casual minion monster, and the rangers won.
Darren: We win again!
Abigail: Again we did! Shall we celebrate? We didn't get to our first date yet.
Taka: Them go man! We're happy for you that you got a girl now.
Mako: And I got the same thing, but with Keoki.
Andrew: Why? He's older than you and you hate dating older men!
Mako: I know, but since he has been frozen for three years ever since that incident.
Amy: I also have something to do with Ryan!
Taka: Oh! You like a boy?!
Amy slaps him like she was so mad,
Amy: You idiot! Ryan is a girl! You know that girl who gets teased a lot because she has a gender neutral name! (Fact: Riley became a gender neutral name in modern day! Like Riley from Dino charge was a guy! But not a girl.)
Andrew: Oh her! She is amazing to look at.
Amy: Yes, and I licked that puss so many times that I can't get enough of it! *squeals and shrieks*
Paul: I'm gonna to the base to train on my own, see ya guys!

The guy on the roof saw all of them leave,
???: They're just typical teenagers, That is something to live up to.
At school, the rangers left on their lunch break, and got back to classes, until the time for assembly. Abigail was in front of the entire student body giving some announcements, Darren was backstage getting ready for something that Abigail told him to do. [Back in class] Abigail: Darren can you sing?
Darren: Uh....yeah...kind of.
Abigail: Great! I need you to put on a show because the last person I asked bailed on me.
Darren: I'll do it, if it's for you.
Abigail: Great! But you gotta practice to sing this song! I'll call you when it is time.
Darren: You got it, babe.

Keoki was at the base watching this live
Keoki: This is gonna be hard for him to do this on his own.
He calls Abigail and the others on the com and go help him out.
Darren went on stage and he was shocked that the student body was so.....big.
Darren: This song was performed by the Rebel Rockers (Samurai Reference if you get it) them selves, hope you enjoy.
<Everyday fun by Antonio/Steven Skyler of Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai>

Abigail and the others join him because this performance is something he cannot do alone.

The song ends with them all celebrating each other and the crowd went wild.

Abigail: *On mic* Do you want an encore?!

The crowd cheers and explosions were going on outside and it went inside the gymnasium, the crowd was scared as they ran for the exits,
Darren: *sees something in the smoke* Dread-beard!
Dread-beard: Hey Rangers! I'm here to take Mako back! Because she is gonna sing your perish song!
Mako: Why should I sing for you?! I have a boyfriend who is a lot better than you!
Dread-beard was heart broken and Mako transforms and slashed him hardly.
Paul: Nice hit, Mako.
Mako: *Transforms back* Thanks, uh....I hope none of the student body saw that. Abigail: No worries, I evacuated everyone out.
Taka: Phew! And you! You'll regret coming to our school!
Dread-beard: Really?! Not even with this!
He shot fireballs and the rangers got blasted out of the gymnasium, where the other students were.
Mr. Mitch: Darren! Are you okay?!
Darren: I'm fine!
Dread-beard: Haha! You can never defeat me! I'm now invincible!
???: Not by how we see it!
A unknown teenager came out of nowhere and kicked him off balance, then a girl showed up with him,
Pink Girl: Is everyone alright?! Okay! The Amber Beach museum is providing hospitality for you students! Go while you still live!
Red Guy: Nice one babe, Now Dread- Beard! You have something stolen from us, and I want you to give it back!
Darren: Rex?!
He noticed him,
Rex: Oh! Hey Darren, who knew your high school was going to be attacked?
Darren: How did you find him? And what did he steal from you?
Daphnia: He stole our upgraded Dino Blaze Charger, plus we made it with Tony Stark.
Taka: Okay! That is going to far!
Paul: Yeah! Stealing from our predecessors! That is just low!
Dread-beard: I just want to impress Mako and take her back! You humans don't understand love between different species.
Amy: What?!
Andrew: What?!
Rex: What?!
Daphnia: WHAT?! She was raped by an alien?! Ewww!
Mako: Yeah, I was....but Keoki snapped me out of his control! But we decided not to be a thing anymore. He broke up with me because he is now happy. He is now out there! Finding his dream girl who is human and here.
(But in my stories! Some characters aren't human)
Dread-beard: Doesn't matter! I'll destroy you all!
Andrew: I think the Rescue Beasts were a better threat.
???: Yeah? They were! But Doomsday is even worse.
A mysterious ranger appears, and he sounds serious as any ranger we as the fans know who has that tone of voice.
Rex: You're ! Damian Vectr's and Bailey's son!
Darren: The Talon ranger had a son?!
Amy: How did we not know?!
Andrew: And what series lost ranger is he from?
???: I am Colton Zegartrio! A.K.A SuperMegaforce! Black!

(He is Azazel with a needed name change because of Fallen Angel references and DxD references too)

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(He is Azazel with a needed name change because of Fallen Angel references and DxD references too)

Mako: Man, Damian is lucky to have a ranger family.
Colton: He's lucky that his son is alive now from the war.
Dread-beard: What war?! The one with superheroes fighting the Power Rangers!
Colton: Yes! That's the one.
Keoki came in because he had to rescue his team,
Keoki: *notices Colton* Huh?! Colton? Why are you here?!
Colton: I'll explain later, but first! We need to get that charger back! *pulls out Morpher* Legendary Lost Ranger Mode! Dino Charge! Unleash the Power!
He inserts the key and he changed into The Talon Ranger (Like father! Like son!).
Dread-beard: I'm gonna take you down!
Colton: Try me, big flat?!!
Dread-beard got pissed and he attacked Colton and he was no match for him.
Colton: What a joke! This is not even hard!
He kicks him out of the gym and the Dino Blaze charger is back with Rex and Daphnia.

Keoki demorphed and so did Colton, they all went back to the base to talk.
Keoki: As must know! Colton was named Azazel but he had his name changed because of fourth wall breaking things. His birth father is Damian but he was raised by Humanity's corrupt Tyrant, Julius Concern.
Colton: However, he started the war that would've ended the Power Rangers world. I died because I was part of the war. My dad had broken down and so did my younger sister, I protected them with my life, the I died by the Man of Steel....Superman himself!
Taka: The man of steel?! Whoa! How are you still alive dude?!
Colton: Okay! First of all! Don't call me a dude! Just call me Colton.
Amy: Why are you here?
Colton: I'm here because I saw your fight with the Rescue Beasts, it was brutal with what they done to you all, So I decided to give you all training!
Keoki: Oh! I thought you're gonna say adimantium? But never mind!
Colton: I know the perfect dimension for you all to train in with animals like your spirits.
Andrew: Don't say we're going to Zoo-land again!
Colton: No! We are not! *rangers relieved* But Somewhere Zoo-land ripped off from.
Abigail: What do you mean Zoo-land was a rip off! What came before it, Huh?!
Colton: Don't get your panties in a wedgie! It's Chima.
Taka: China?! (🇨🇳)
Colton: No! Chima! A place filled with human like animals living in peace, they love humans who share the same spirit as them.
Darren: Cool! Is there a cheetah?!
Colton: I thought you were the Eagle?! Never mind, We need you to be trained because the Space Zoo is getting stronger before you do! And I want you all to be....UNDEFEATED!
His words shocked them.

To be continued....

Power⚡️Rangers: Jungle Force storyWhere stories live. Discover now