the dimension of Zoo-land

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In the crack of dawn, Keoki was waiting for the others as they arrived, "I'm  Sorry to have all of you ditch school, but the sake of the world is at stake, The monsters who want earth to be sold property are coming soon, we gotta be prepared and find you Zoo-man forms, and merge with them" Keoki explained the plan, "Merge! So we're gonna be like Amy! That's fircked up an you know that!" Mako yelled, "Pipe down would you! This is government territory that remains undetected by satellites. Darren, Don't vlog about this experience! We'll be in big trouble if you ever show your viewers this location" Keoki warned him, "I don't have a camera with me, And why would I ever spread the vlog virus?" Darren asked in reply, "Let's not get into detail about it, let's go find the portal to Zoo-land dimension" Keoki leaped ahead and re others followed, "So are we gonna find this thing? Why would the government seal this place off?" Andrew asked, "Because an incident happened years before you guys weren't born yet. <Flashback time> Two dimension became one on the day of that field trip of yours, Our dimension and the Zoo-dimension. We became one for only 5 months however things did not go to well. Both wanted to have their races in power, but it's thanks to some dark force that caused it, then your Japanese counterparts, The Doubutsu sentai Zyuohger have saved both races from ever going to war. Then it took 2 days for both races to apologize and both the dimensions split and became separate once again to this very day. Meanwhile, Bard the bird man is still in our world, exploring and keeping his distance away from Zoo-land, he said at was a terrible place because they all hate and fear humans like us, even the Pai Zhua where Amy came from. I heard that they haven't changed a bit because their king is a slow old turtle that can't keep up with the times, the even as far to kill any human who trespasses into their dimension" Keoki told that horrific story of two beings that can't get along. "How long were you living for? You sound a lot older than twenty three" Amy asked, "My Zoo-man power allows me, a human to not age. Think of it as immortality being passed down towards one another. That is what I'm gonna have all get, because you earned from your dimensional selves that got along before you all did" Keoki explained briefly, "We found it! The grand portal cube" Keoki and the Rangers found what they're looking for,  "So this is it? It's huge!" Andrew exclaims, "I have the key to crossing over right here" Keoki pulls out a spare cube that hasn't found an animal, inserted it and the cube opened and sucked them all up like a vacuum.

The Rangers and their mentor found the animal dimension of Zoo-land, "This is it!" Mako was looking at how beautiful it is, "We made it now, let's find your animal selves before you all are killed" Keoki warned them, and they went off to find their individual Zoo-man. Darren found the eagle man, Mako found her shark woman, Taka hunted down his lion being, Andrew's other self agreed to come with him, and Amy was having a tough time because her animal self is inside her already, "C'mon tail! Push out already!" Amy was holding down her skirt as she tried to grow out her tiger tail, she grunted as it came out and ripped up her panties and skirt from the behind, "Oh no! Not again!" She transformed into her Zoo-man form, "I like this, I wouldn't mind going back to the others like this sexy creature" She walked out of the forest and met up with the others. Amy was on her way back until she got ambushed by Zoo-man, and taken into custody, "Let me go! I gotta go see my friends!" Amy transformed back into her human self, "No, we're gonna take you to the king, he'll know what to do with a human faker like you" said the horse, Amy roared as her tiger spirit split from her body and fought the other Zoo-man, "What are you waiting for? Run!!" Said Amy's tiger self, real Amy ran away to tell the Rangers that now the uh t has begun, "What! That is horrific! We need to find her and fast!" Darren got aggravated by that story, "Run for it!!" Keoki ran so fast that no one saw him leave, the Rangers were surrounded, "Humans, you chose to be executed here as your prices to die!" Said the cheatah Zoo-man, "Oh no we won't! It's morphing time! Chi!" Darren and the others opened their cubes and pressed their number animal names "Eagle! Shark! Lion! Elephant! Tiger!" Said automated voice, "Go Go jungle force!" They closed the cubes and opened it again to morph, "Cries of our legion! Will save everyone!", "Power Rangers! Jungle force!"

open!" Darren and the others opened their cubes and pressed their number animal names "Eagle! Shark! Lion! Elephant! Tiger!" Said automated voice, "Go Go jungle force!" They closed the cubes and opened it again to morph, "Cries of our legion! Will...

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Get them!" The car cried and the battle was on. Keoki came back and saw the others fighting from afar, "No, why would they result to violence? It's so not like the Zoo-man at all" he thought. Back to the fight, "Guys! Let's give it everything we got from our animal spirits! Unleash the power!!" Darren called out his Eagle and it gave him wings on his suit, now he can fly. "Alright! Let's do the same thing!" Taka agreed, "Unleash the power!!" The team cried along and called their animal: Mako grew a Dorsal fin on her back, Taka and Amy grew claws as their hands, and Andrew got bigger feet,

 "What ever thing you do won't work!" The angry cheetah shot down Darren with a tranquilizer dart and he fell to the ground unmorphed, "DARREN!" The others rushed towards him but they let their guard down as they got tranquilized too, Keoki saw th...

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"What ever thing you do won't work!" The angry cheetah shot down Darren with a tranquilizer dart and he fell to the ground unmorphed, "DARREN!" The others rushed towards him but they let their guard down as they got tranquilized too, Keoki saw the entire thing go down and said "this isn't a fair fight, How could I help them with my powers?" He looks at his hand and remembers the days of his past, "Why did they get stolen from me? I have to get them all back, My power and my prodigies of saving this planet" Keoki ran off after them and he tripped and fell towards the colder regions of Zoo-land.

Back to the Rangers, Darren and the others were brought to the castle to see the king turtle, "so these are the jungle force Rangers, They look too young from the previous ones" he criticized, "What do you mean previous ones?!" Darren yelled, "Yeah! Keoki said we are trained by him and have no way in relation to them!" Amy yelled as well and King turtle stabbed his staff to the ground and the room went silent. "Keoki the so called chilled criminal, that monstrosity of a human married a Fox Zoo-man but she was killed by other humans by their belief of some Yo-Kai. We can't have him here at any costs!" King turtle yelled, "Oh! Did he ever tell you that he was a ranger like you all? Too bad too! Because I have his morphed right here! -he shows the Rangers the Ice blue version of their Chi cubes- He can't be a hero anymore and you'll all will die here!" He added and the Rangers struggled to break free.

To be Continued......

Power⚡️Rangers: Jungle Force storyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα