Part 32

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Nathan's pov
"Simon. Do you like her?" I asked.

"I- don't know." Simon hesitated to say.

"What do you mean."

"I mean I don't know. I'm not sure if I do or not. I know I shouldn't, but every time I see her I'm sick to my stomach because I get so nervous when I think about her, you know? It's that feeling when your stomach literally turns upside down but in a good way. In a great way." He looked down at his feet.

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean." I replied, an angry tone in my voice, and walked away.

Nothing's better than finding out your best friend likes your girlfriend, right? When I got back into Mary's room, she asked me where I went. "The bathroom." I lied.

She just nodded her head and pretended she didn't know there's a bathroom nearly right beside her bed.
Few days later
Turns out Mary wasn't in as bad of a condition as we thought she was, we were told later in the week that we were able to go home anytime. Actually, her broken ribs healed up fast. As soon as we got home she grabbed a glass of milk and some cookies and put on a movie. I joined her at the couch and grabbed a few cookies for myself. We shared the milk she poured because it was enough for both of us, and neither of us were going to drink out of the cup until all of the cookies on the plate were gone.

Mary ended up falling asleep mid-movie, and left me to finish the cookies and milk. That wasn't a problem since I was starving and had nothing to eat but vending machine foods for the past 2 days. Mary was sleeping on the other side of the couch with only her feet on my legs. It was easy to get up to get a sandwich because she wasn't right on top of me. When I got to the kitchen, I got the bread out, along with the creamy peanut butter and grape jelly. After I ate my delicious sandwiches, I went to Mary's room and slept.

8 P.M.

I didn't wake up till 8 o'clock, and now I can't go back to sleep. Mary is in the living room still but she's on the phone with somebody. From the sounds of it, I think it's Simon. They're talking about how good it is that Mary's back home and how she needs to get some rest.

I decided not to interrupt their call with the words "who's that" because I can just ask who it was when they hang up. Right now, I don't wanna talk to Simon. Yeah, he's my best friend and all. But there's no way he can like my girlfriend. She's mine. Mine only. Simon can NOT have her. He should know that. I don't blame him, though. As soon as I laid my eyes on her I fell in love and I knew I had to be with her. We pretty much already live together since I'm always at her place, but I haven't told anyone yet for one, and I still have a few things to get out of my house. (A/N: TBH I can't really remember if he asked her to move in with him or not so idk if it's official)

Lori is still in the hospital, but we've been told that she's been doing a lot better. We also were told that this can happen, and then something can just hit them and they'll do bad again. If that happens, we won't be able to go visit her in the hospital because she'll be in too bad of conditions. (A/N: Again I'm just guessing if that's how it works idk)

Mary gets off the phone with whoever it was, and I then ask her who she was talking to.

"You sounded worried, who were you talking to?" I asked her.

"It was just Johnny." She said back.

"You mean your little brother? Where did he go? We kinda just left him behind." I remember.

"I'm not sure, I think he either went with our aunt or his dad. He just called to make sure moms okay. Then I told him about what happened to me because he asked, and then we just talked for a while."

"Oh," I said.

"What's up with Simon? Didn't he wanna hang out that one day before I went into the hospital and stuff? You wanna do that for a while? It'll keep us from boredom." She smiles.

"Oh my god what's up with you wanting to hang out with Simon lately?" I said angrily.

"What are you talking about?" She looked at me with one eyebrow lifted.

"I mean you've been wanting to see him a lot recently. What about me? I'm here too." I said, obviously annoyed.

"Nathan I'm always with you. Simons just my friend that I wanna be with. What the hell is your problem with Simon all of a sudden?!" Mary shouts.

"My problem is that he loves you and I don't want you seeing him at all because something is going to happen!" I spilt the beans.

6:42 A.M. | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now