Part 14

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Nathan's pov.

She was so beautiful when she was wearing my clothes, my perfectly fit sweater was oversize, draped over her shoulders. And my sweatpants were more baggy than they are on me. She looked prettier than ever, and I wanted to show her how much I love her. I wanted her to wear my clothes more often, I wanted to just give her my whole wardrobe. This day was going great so far, and I'm ready to spend more of it with her.

"Hey princess," I sat down on my bed, "you wanna go to your place and tell your friends and family about us now?"

"Yeah sure, let's go," she grabbed my hand and led me to the door. 

She was excited, so excited, she looked as if she was ready to tell everyone in the entire world. 

"Wait," she suddenly stopped pulling me out the door. 

"What's wrong?" I asked 

"Nothing, I just wanted to do this," 

I looked at her confused, "Do what?" I was quickly cut off by her lips slamming into mine, it felt amazing, it was amazing, she was amazing. God I'm so in lover with her.

"You should do that more often," I mumble after her lips release from mine. 

"Okay," she grabbed my hand again, "we can go now," 

I walked her to the car, opened the door for her, and watched her hop in. My hand reached for the door and shut it, while I ran around the back of the car and got in myself. The radio was on, and Attention by Charlie Puth was playing. Mary reached over to turn the radio up while singing it. Her head turned to face the window, and her body turned with it. Reaching over to put my hand on her thigh, she put her hand on mine, squeezing it.

"I love you so much, baby." she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I love you, princess." I replied.

The car pulled up to the house, and our hands separated. We got out of the car together, and walked up to the door. I grabbed her hand and felt it was sweating. Her eyes sped over to the driveway finding her parents car parked.

"Hey, are you nervous?" I stopped us in the middle of walking to the front door.

"Just a little.." she dragged out the L in little.

"Listen, it'll be alright. And if they aren't okay with you seeing me, then they're just going to have to suck it up."

"Okay." she started walking again, locking our fingers together.

The door to her house opened, before we even got to the door. Her little brother stood in the doorway, he was so cute. Then he spoke. "Ooooo, Marilyn's got a boyyyyfriendddd!" he pointed and laughed. I began laughing a bit with him, this little guy was so cute. He jumped up and down and before I picked him up.

"Hey little guy. You must be Marilyn's brother? Can you tell me your name?" I tickled  his belly.

"Haha, stop it. My name is Johnny." (not sure what his name was before so if you know it comment lol.) he giggled, forcing my hand away from his belly.

"You're such a cutie, I'm Nathan." I mention.

He smiled and yelled "Mom!!  Nathan and Mary's here!"

Mary pulled me through the house, looking for her mom. We found her folding laundry in the back room, and Mary began to say "Mom we need to talk to you." When she immediately after said "Oh good, I have to speak to you too."

We all had a seat on the couch in the living room, and Mary began what she had to say. "Okay, Nathan you tell her. I had to tell Loren."

"Mrs....." he asked because he forgot my moms name.

"Just call me Lori." she smiled.

"Okay. Lori, I've been seeing your daughter for almost a week now. That's okay with you, right?" Nathan put his chin down, but was still looking at her.

"Oh my God. This is amazing. You guys are so adorable!" she shouted.

"Mom we didn't know you would be this happy, we would have told you earlier!" Mary stood up with her.

Lori gave Mary a kiss on the cheek, and came back to give me a kiss on the cheek. Mary took my hand back in hers, and gave me a little kiss on the lips. I wanted more, but her mom was standing right in front of us so I didnt really wanna start a make out session with her. Her mom say us back down and said "Okay, time to tell my news. We decided that we would buy you a place here in Arizona, that way you can live with us.

Oh no, this was bad. Mary and I lived in the same state, and now she's being asked by her parents to move? There was no way I was going to let her leave.

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