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I had awoken this morning to my alarm. Thinking it was 5 o'clock, I hit snooze, and looked at the time. Nope, with my luck I of course set my alarm for 6 instead, and I didn't have much time to get ready and be at the airport by 6:30. Yes, 6:30. It usually takes me around 15 minutes to get ready, which I didn't have time for. I raced to the bathroom and did my business, then sped back to my closet to look all around for clothes. Luckily I had chosen an outfit the night before so I could wear it, other wise I would be in that closet for hours. I threw on the jean shorts and white t-shirt, not even bothering to to put the flannel on, just wrapping it around my waist. Then put on a pair of black flip flops and shoved my red sneakers in my bag. There was no time to put those on. As soon as I was finished with that, I put my hair up in a really messy bun. Not even bothering to put makeup on, I grabbed my charger, my phone, my makeup bag, and my clothes bag and headed out the door.

I started the car and almost slammed on the gas pedal to drive away from my house. Only 25 minutes to make it to the airport on time. I prayed that they would have "first call for flight to Arizona" at 6:30, and "last call for flight to Arizona." at 7:00 at most, 6:50 at least. There was no way I was missing my flight, if I did I would have to wait a whole other day to get on the plane to see my family in Phoenix, Arizona. That wouldn't be the best thing to do because tomorrow was my baby brother's graduation from preschool. I wouldn't wanna miss that, and it takes 12 hours to get from Denver, Colorado, to Phoenix, Arizona. I dont think I would wanna miss my 4 year old brothers graduation. I made it to the airport at 6:40, and luckily I made it just in time. I made it where they were calling the last call thingy to Arizona. I got in line, and because I had ordered my ticket online, I didn't have to buy one there. I found my seat very easily at 6:42. An old man sat on my left side, and so far nobody to my right. Almost 10 seconds later, a guy sat next to me. He looked to be my age, and had very long hair. Almost looked like a birds nest. To be honest, he was kinda cute. He put a small bag on his lap and looked over at me. His eyes. They're unexplainable.

"Hello. My name is Nathan. And I guess you're gonna be the person I sit next to on this 12 hour plane trip to Arizona. So instead of being like all these crazy lazy people, let's get to know each other." He said holding his hand out for me to shake. I guess someone heard him say "crazy lazy" because someone looked over behind me and gave him a dirty look. "So. sorry." he said.

The person turned around sort of slowly, like they were trying to keep an eye on him. I giggled a bit, and looked down at my hands.

"So, my name is Nathan, and I turn 18 in June. What about you?"

"Well my name is Marilyn, I turn 19 in August." I said kind of quietly.

"Nice to meet you, Marilyn."

"You too, Nathan."

Okay, so he was a bit younger than I was. That doesn't matter to me, though, neither should it to anyone else. He just looked at me a bit longer. Even though I couldn't see him, I could tell because his legs were kind of shifted to face me and his hands were together on his lap.

"So, you wanna play a game?"

"What game?" I questioned.

"I Spy?"

"Okay. Inside only. You go first." I commanded.

"Okay, I spy something blue."

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the seat in front of us?" I said sassily.

"Darn. I was trying to make it sound too obvious so you wouldn't choose it." He smiled.

I shook my head and looked around. The seat belts we were wearing were black, I happened to notice when I strapped myself in. I looked in front of us and seen a guy with black hair, and said "I spy something black."

He looked in the direction I was looking, and knew I had him fooled. He kept looking and finally found the dude with black hair, "That man with the black hair," he pointed. The man turned around. Well, it was a girl.

He ducked down real quick like he was in trouble. In my opinion, he should be scared, the lady had plentiful piercings and tattoos on her arms.

"I talk too loud." he stated.

6:42 A.M. | Completed |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora