Part 29

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I was lifted out of Nathan's arms, as a tear ran down my cheek because I was no longer in arms of comfort. A nurse rushed me to a hospital bed and they began working on me. The last thing I remember was them sticking a needle in me, and then everything was black.

Some time later, I woke up and only saw a blur. I suppose Nathan could hear me move because as soon as I moved the blankets, he rushed to my side and helped me get some of the blankets off of me. It was really hot in this room, and all I could think about was how Nathan was. My vision began clearing up, so I could see everything now. As soon as I could see the tv perfectly, I turned to Nathan. Nathan was the first thing I wanted to see right now. He had tears pouring down his face, and wiped them away when he saw me looking at him.

"Hey. Don't cry. I'm okay." I said, softly and slowly running my fingers up and down his arm. "I love you."

"I love you so much princess." He said, bending down to give me a hug.

I hugged him back, weakly, but I did it. Nathan let go of me, and told me I needed rest. This fight has ruined me. Josie is not the person you want to mess with. She may look like she's not eaten in 3 weeks, or she never goes outside because she's just as pale as white toothpaste. But she's really the opposite.

"Wait... how's my mom?" I asked when Nathan kneeled down beside me.

"I... I don't know." He looked down.

"You didn't go visit her?" I asked worriedly.

"No. I've been in here with you," he said. "She might be worried that we haven't come over, and when I tell her she's going to be really upset."

"And that's why I wanted her to know. Anyway, could you be a dear and go tell her for me?"

"Mary, you need someone here with you just in case something happens to you." Nathan replied.

"Oh what's gonna happen? I'm gonna fall off my hospital bed?" I said sarcastically.

"Okay. Just don't move anywhere." He said pointing at me, and rushing down the hall.

Nathan's pov

I arrived at Lori's hospital room, and walked in to see her watching a movie. I'm not sure what movie, and frankly I don't care. She saw me standing beside her, and gave me a big hug.

"Oh Nathan. You came!" She got excited. "Where's my lovely daughter?" She looks back at the door, ready for Mary to walk in with a smile plastered on her face.

"She uhh, she's in a room of her own." I said looking at my thumbs twirling together.

"Oh well I hope she can come by tomorrow." She says lying back down.

"No, I don't think you understand." I said sitting on the edge of her bed.

"What do you mean?" Lori squints her eyebrows and looks up at me.

"I mean, she's not in her bedroom at home working on something. She's actually in a hospital room. Something... happened." I told her.

"Wait... she's injured? What happened to her?" Lori said, you couldn't see her tears, but you could hear in her voice that she was hurt.

"You know her old friend Josie?" I asked her. "Well she... it's a long story. But I think you should know that Josie isn't the sweet, caring girl we always thought she was. It turns out she's a devil when it comes to jealousy. I'll explain later but Mary wants me to get right back to her. Anyway, she came over and saw me and her together and then got jealous. When I wasn't looking, Mary took a few fists in the head and kicks to the stomach. She's alright, she's living, but she broke a few ribs and fractured her left wrist, and is now in a lot of pain." I shortened up what happened a little bit.

"Oh my. This isn't good. I have to see her. I have to see her right now." Lori began sitting up, and trying to get out of bed as I pushed her back down.

"No, Mary said she wants you to be okay and not worried. You're worried. Just lay down and I'll go back go Mary. Goodbye." I said leaving.

"Goodbye sweetheart." Lori said as I was just walking out.

I turned the corner to the hallway, and saw Simon looking for the room that Mary's in. "Simon! How did you know we were here?!" I asked him furiously.

Yeah, he had to find out sometime. But now just wasn't the time. Lori and Mary are both in a hospital room and I'm running back and forth between them sending messages.

"What do you mean? You're the one that messaged me." Simon said.

"No I'm not. I don't even have my phone on me. I left it in... I left it in Mary's room."

"So Mary messaged me?" He questioned.

"Yeah." I said rushing back to Mary's room.

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