Part 23

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Time came to go home, but Lori still had to stay in the hospital. Lori wasn't in the greatest condition to go home right now. We opened up the front door to Mary's place, and walked inside. She threw her purse on the counter, and her coat on the couch.

"Nathan," she said. "I'm so tired. I could just collapse right here and sleep."

A smirk rose upon my lips. "It's okay princess. Let's go to bed right now if you want?"

"Actually," she smirked back, and looked up into my eyes. "I was thinking we could go take a nice relaxing bath first."

"Yeah?" I smiled and grabbed both of her hands, kissing them each.

"Yeah." she nodded her head, and smiled.

We walked together to the bathroom, and I turned on the faucet, beginning to strip down. She was already undressed, and had her seat in the bathtub. I took the remaining space right next to her, and she softly lied her head down on the back of the tub. I just watched her. Her smile faded away, and her eyes still softly closed. Beautiful, she was. With her legs crossed, her hair pulled back into a messy bun, and she was very quietly snoring. I knew we should've just gone to bed. I thought a moment about what to do. There was no way I could dress her without waking her up.

So I didn't. My legs lifted me out of the tub, and I began to dress myself again, with different clothes. She was still resting her head on the back of the tub, and her knees were now up, so it would be easy for me to carry her bridal style and put her down in her bed. The blankets were under her, and I tried so hard to pull them out without her opening her eyes. Luckily, I got them out just before she started shifting her body to a different position. Goosebumps were visible upon her skin, and I got in bed with her. Not long after we were both covered up with the sheets, I fell asleep with her.


The bed started rocking back and forth, and I looked beside me to see Mary jumping on the bed. I grabbed her leg and pulled her down with me, and shut my eyes again. Just as I thought she would do, she got right back up and continued jumping.

"Princess!!!" I shouted at her, and hit her leg.

"Ow! Baby! Why did you do that?" she asked, sounding offended.

"You know I don't like it when you wake me up." I shut my eyes again and dug my head back into the pillow.

"Yeah but, I just got so bored. I was ready for you to get up so we could do things together. Like go see my mom today? I wanna know how she's feeling ever since... you know," she said. "and I was also thinking, maybe we could do a little something before that..." she smirked.

Sitting up, I looked down at my lap and put my hands behind me to hold me up. "Oh yeah, like what?" I asked playfully, kind of already getting an idea of what she meant.

"Oh you know," she sat on me, putting both of her legs on each side of me, kissing my neck up to my lips. "we could just lay in bed all day?"

"Oh yeah? Well I was thinking we could do something in bed. Maybe, I don't know, I could..." I trailed off and pushed her sideways so I was now on top of her. "kiss you? Like this." I said seductively and started to kiss her deeply. "Or I could rub your back, like this." I said pulling her up so she was sitting on me, still kissing her, and began rubbing her back.

"Maybe we could do that. And maybe we could do it in the shower..." she said, kissing me deeply once more.

"Let's do it in here, it takes too long to get the shower temperature just right." I said back.

I kissed her, more and more, deeper and deeper. With each kiss I fell in love with her more and more. She was mine, all mine. Her hair I could play with, her neck I could kiss, her lips I could bite.

At the hospital
Mary's pov

"Hi my name is Mary and I'm here to see my mother." I said to the lady at the counter.

"Okay, is it just you, or is he going in with you?" she asked kind of upbeat.

"Yes, he's with me. We're just here to visit her for maybe an hour and possibly come back later." I said.

We walked to my moms room, which I still remember where it is from the first time we were here, and she wasn't in there! She was just gone! At least, I couldn't see her from the first look. We looked beside her bed, under it, and under the covers.

"Mom!" I yelled, getting really worried.

"Relax sweetie, I'm right here. I was just going to the bathroom really fast." she said, and I watched her walk back to her bed from the small restroom in her room.

"Phew!" I said, relieved.

6:42 A.M. | Completed |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora