"I hear Potter got a Firebolt?" Theodore asked.

"His name is Harry," she playfully glared, "and yes. We don't know who it was from yet, but it has been tested and is jinx free. You're going to get smashed. Gryffindor for the win!" She giggled at the boys' expressions.

"I half expected you to join us with your new skateboard." Blaise laughed.

"I did." She smirked, activated her shoes so the boys could see. "I just made some adjustments."

The boys laughed and inspected the shoes. Amanda told them the spells she had used and they nodded.

The three younger boys left earlier and Marcus turned to Amanda.

"So it's been a month since the letter," he started nervously then smirked, "I'll leave the option of a date to you."

Then he walked off, leaving Amanda thoroughly confused.


"BLOOD!" Ron yelled like a lunatic into the stunned silence. "HE'S GONE! AND YOU KNOW WHAT WAS ON THE FLOOR?"

Hermione stammered as Ron held up some ginger cat hairs.

Amanda turned to the cat in her lap and frowned, lifting Crookshanks into the air and curling a lip in a pout so that Ron could see.

"Crookshanks wouldn't do anything like that!" She said, "He's gorgeous!"

Ron glared at her and her eyes widened.

"I'll shut up now."


Amanda squealed happily as they walked on to the pitch for the match.

The Ravenclaw team were standing opposite them, and Amanda mounted her broom, ready for the excitement.

When the whistle blew, she kicked off, soaring through the air.

Amanda giggled as Lee commented on the different features of the broom as Minerva told him off.

She grabbed the Quaffle and started racing down the pitch, passing Harry, slowing slightly at the goalposts and scored the first goal of the match.

She beamed happily, feeling thrilled at being back in the air.

She kept going, making sure to keep up the gap of points between them. The team was getting there.

When they had succeeded in keeping the gap in points, Amanda turned just in time to see Harry cast a Patronus at some funny looking Dementors. She gasped as Harry caught the Snitch and raced to him, being the first to wrap him in a hug.

The team celebrated their success together, they had won the match.

She giggled as she saw the Slytherins that had pretended to be Dementors. They were sprawled on the ground and Minerva was yelling at them. She wrapped Harry in another hug as Remus started to talk to him.

Draco and Marcus looked at Amanda and she smirked, amused. Their prank had failed.


That night, after loads of partying and Minerva McGonagall telling the house to go to sleep, the tower was woken by a strangled yell.

Amanda bolted upright out of her bed and immediately grabbed her slippers and dressing gown before racing out of the room, leaving behind a very bewildered Angelina and Alicia.

When she got to the bottom of the stairs she saw Harry and Ron running down their staircase.

Voices were talking all over the place, asking and wondering what was going on.

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