She giggled and brought out the Marauder's map duplicate. She had made a few edits and smiled at the new heading.

Messrs. Moony, Padfoot and Prongs
Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers
are proud to present

She smirked and said, "Mischief managed."


At the café the next day, she was approached by Delia. Delia beckoned to her, and together they grabbed a muffin and a hot chocolate before sitting out the back.

"Listen, Amanda. I thought you should probably know that I'm a witch, just like you."

"Cool!" Amanda said, "Did you go to Hogwarts?"

Delia nodded and said. "You would have probably thought that by now it was odd how quickly I hired you?"

"I was thinking that." Amanda admitted.

"Part of the reason is that I couldn't stand seeing the famous Amanda Potter without a job," both women smirked and Amanda laughed, "But I also knew your parents, Amanda."

The conversation seemed to be turning rapidly grim.

Amanda gulped before taking a bite of her muffin, chewing slowly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up." Delia said.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine." Amanda told her, but thinking back to when she had visited the graveyard, and what she had confessed to herself.

"Merry Christmas."

"You too."


The day before Christmas, she got the letter from Fudge.

To Amanda Potter,
We wish to invite you to our place for a delightful Christmas dinner.
Please arrive at approximately 1:30pm, and you may stay until a time you wish.
I must warn you, it will be just you, my wife and myself, as the rest of the family are on holiday in Africa.
We hope to see you then,
Cornelius Fudge

Amanda immediately sent her reply with Ember and sighed.


On Christmas Day Amanda wanted nothing more than to sleep until noon. Instead, she was woken up by Hedwig, Ember and one of the school's owls.

She quickly untied the packages from their feet and led them to the perches for a refresher. The school owl left, with Hedwig following soon afterwards.

Amanda happily opened her presents. She happily put on her new Weasley jumper and put the fudge in the fridge.

She then put Hagrid's new animal (a dog - it resembled Fang, but she thought about Padfoot) on the shelf with the others, as well as the new books from Hermione and Severus. She grinned as she hoped he liked the book on pranking she got him.

She wished she could have gotten a picture when he opened it, just to see his confused expression.

Prank materials from the twins went into her trunk, as well as the sweets from Ron and Harry.

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