And My Only Reason To Happiness Is You Randhir..

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Randhir's POV:

I really don't know what happened to me. I just lost all the control I had on myself. And right at the moment I'm kissing her like my life depends on it.

I know it's a lot like what you read in romantic novels and all. But I couldn't resist anymore.

2 freaking months I controlled myself from kissing her. So that she should not remember any of that incident. And I know I should have waited a little more. I know I'm getting horny but I just don't care.

Every time I looked towards her I wanted to kiss her. But I stopped myself. What if she suddenly remembered that day and she starts crying?

I still want to kill that bastard Sameer for what he did to sanyu.

Maybe she is thinking something, cause she is not responding to the kiss. And I hate it when she does not respond.

I bite her lip and pull her more close to me by her waist. My action brings her back on earth and she realises that I'm kissing her.

She opens her mouth and lets me enter into her. I kiss each corner of her mouth while pulling her more close to me like my second skin.

I need to breath but I'm feeling like if I'll leave her lips I would die.

She breaks the kiss and starts panting hard. The thumping of heartbeats and us huffing to breath air is the only sound that could be heard in this quiet room.

I join our forehead together and she cups my face with her hands.

I look into her hazel orbs which shine like stars.

"I missed this so much Randhir.."she says and I suddenly feel good.

That means she did not get any flashback of that day. And here I was afraid that she might end up crying.

A smile forms on my lips and I feel good.

"I missed this too.."I tell her while looking into her eyes.

Sanyukta's POV:

It feels so good to know that Randhir also missed our passionate kisses. Maybe this is what is called being horny.. But I don't care what this is called. The fact is that we both missed this. We both missed each other's presence.

But I still don't know why Randhir didn't kiss me from past 2 months.

I ignore that question inside my head and focus on Randhir.

We are still out of breath but I still feel like kissing him. Like my life depends on it.

I peck his lips lightly and he looks at me. And this is the first time I'm initiating the kiss.

I kiss him and he too starts responding equally. I bite his lips and enter into his mouth. Through the kiss I just want to show him that I missed him so much. I really missed him badly.

He breaks the kiss when we both get out of breath.

He turns me around so as my back touches his chest.

I feel his hot breaths on my neck and the next moment he attacks my neck and starts kissing me there.

That neck region being my weak point is a good opportunity for Randhir to tease me. I feel kissing that area which makes me go weak in the knees.

I turn around and hold his shirt for support. I wrap my arms around his neck while he just kisses me continuously.

"Ra.. Randhir.."I try saying his name out but it comes out as a moan.

I hear Randhir chuckling as he realises how much weak I can get when he does all these things to me.

I wish I could push him away from me. But that's the thing. I can only think about doing it. But in reality, I don't even want to push him away.

He removes my jacket which I had worn. He touches my tattoo which has his name. I side glance Randhir and he is just smiling looking at it.

It feels so contented when his lips touch my tattoo.

And now this feeling is new.

My whole body shivers as his cold lips touch my bare back. I feel current running inside my body. I moan his name unknowingly.

He starts sucking my bare back but I get so weak in my knees.

"Ra.. Randhir.."I try saying it out aloud.

He holds me by my waist while placing numerous kisses over my tattoo and my bare back.

He then starts placing feathery kisses over my neck. It gives tickling sensation to me and I giggle.

"I love when you laugh and the reason is me.."he says while holding me by my waist and placing his head on my bare back.

"And my only reason to happiness is you Randhir.."I tell him.

He smiles and turns me around. He kisses me on my forehead and takes me in a hug.

"And my reason to live is you.. Princess.."he tells me.

I bury my head in the crook of his neck and inhale his deep toxicating chocolatey smell. I know I can never get enough of this.

"You smell like dark chocolate.."I tell him out of the blue.

"And you smell like the sweetest vanilla ice cream.."he says and I blush.

"Really..?"I ask him cause I am still unaware of the perfume I apply.

"It's toxicating.. It drives me crazy every time you are around me.."he tells me and I blush more hard.

He breaks the hug and cups my face with his hands.

He looks into my eyes lovingly and places his lips on mine.

It's just a mere peck but it has a lot of emotion in it.

"Randhir.. Why didn't you kiss me in those 2 months? I missed you so badly.."I tell him while again going into his warm embrace.

"I thought that if I'll kiss you then you'll remember that day. And I did not want you to remember that."he says and kisses me on the top of my head.

"I'll never remember anything else when I'm with you Randhir. Never.."I tell him while pecking his lips.

He moves his hand over my hair for a number of times. And I feel sleep taking over my senses..

Hi again.
*blush blush*
I tried writing something hot but I don't know how it is.. I did not expect to write this but I did. Now bear me with this.

And whose POV do you like more?
Randhir or Sanyukta? Tell me.. I want to know..

And stay tuned.. One more chapter coming..

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