She Wants The Kind Of Love That Compels Her..

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Well it has been a few days since I've realised my feelings for Randhir.

And sincerely speaking I don't want to name my feelings as love.

Because I've also realised that it isn't good to always name your feelings as love.

So I am better off calling them like for now.

Yes. I do like Randhir Singh Shekhawat. My number 1 enemy. And he made me fall for him in such a less time. I had never in my wildest dreams imagined that I'll like Randhir. But now I can proudly say that yes I like him.

I come out of the washroom and wear a blue colour top with black jeans.
After drying my hair and applying my favorite perfume, I take my phone. But to my sadness I find that Randhir hasn't replied back to my message.

Well this isn't the thing that happens regularly. He always texts me back.

All the bad thoughts start coming in my mind and I shrug them off my shaking my head.

I immediately call him. After 6th ring he picks up the call.

Me: Where are you? Are you fine? Why aren't you answering the message? Did anything happen to you?

I bombard all my questions on him within a go. Come on!! I really am worried about him.
I hear him yawn from the other side.

Is he sleeping?

Randhir: Easy Princess.. Easy.. I'm at my home. I'm fine. I wasn't answering because I was sleeping.. I am sleeping actually.. And nothing happened to me. I'm still alive. Just a bit sleepy. Don't disturb. Good night Princess.

He answers all my questions and is about to hang up the phone.

Me: What the hell Randhir. It's 11:30 in the morning and you are still sleeping. Get your lazy ass on work and get up.

I burst on him and I could hear soft snores from the other side.

He literally slept while I'm talking to him.

Ok fine. Sleep. Sleep as much as you want. Then don't come running to me.

After some time I find myself in front of his house.

Why is it so hard to stay away from him?

However I try to stay away from him, it's not possible. Because at the end I know, I cannot go a day without him.

Not thinking much I enter his house. I walk past the hall only to find someone. More than half naked. Only in his jeans.

I turn around and close my eyes with both my hands.

And I know what all of you are thinking.

It's not Randhir.

Ya..! It's not Randhir.. If it would have been Randhir then I would be probably eye raping him like last time.

I literally face palm my inner self. What is with her mocking me every single time. I am a part of her for God's sake. Sorry. She is a part of me for God's sake.

"Oh!! I'm so sorry.. I wasn't knowing that someone's coming over in this hour of the morning. Otherwise I would have wore my shirt."the guy says to me.

I guess he is wearing his shirt at this moment. I really don't want to see him shirtless again.

Cause nothing can match the sexiness of Randhir right?

I nod my head in approval. No one can match Randhir.

"What are you doing here?"Randhir asks to me and I instantly look towards him.

As if my eyes just wanted to see him.

A smile adorns my face when I see him.

"Randhir.."my voice comes out just as a mere whisper.

He comes down the stairs and comes directly towards me. He starts looking suspiciously at the guy in front of us.
And then rolls his eyes at him and focus on me.

"I'll just go and get freshen up and come. Can you please make something for me till then. Please."Randhir makes a puppy dog face and I nod my head in a yes.

Randhir walks off from there not before eyeing the guy suspiciously.

I walk over to the kitchen and take out all the ingredients needed to make pasta.

"Do you wanna eat?"I ask the guy.

He nods his head in a yes.

"Sameer."he says looking at me.

"Huh.."I didn't want to say that but still it comes out from my mouth.

"Sameer Mittal. I'm Randhir's cousin brother. And you?"the guy says to me.

"Sanyukta Agrawal. Randhir's... Best friend?!"I tell him.

I make pasta and stir it. There is this silence prevailing between us, which makes me uncomfortable.

"Sanyukta.. Hold on.. Are you the same Sanyukta whom Randhir pushed in the water when you were having your..."sameer says to me and I feel bad about it.
Sadness can be seen right through my soul, at the moment.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."sameer says genuinely feeling sorry.

"It's OK. Actually past doesn't matter to me now."I tell him.

"Oh!" Was the only reply he could give.

"You liked Parth right?"he asked me.

"Yes. I used to like him. Before. Not now."I tell him.

"So you are the kind of person who wants attention in love. Which Parth never gave you.. Right?"he asks me.

Maybe that's right. Parth never gave me attention. Even if I do so much for him, he never used to give any heed to anything.

I was thinking about the perfect words to come out of my mouth. But as usual. Nothing came out of my mouth.

"You're wrong Sam.. She doesn't want attention in love. Because she's not like those girls who die for attention. She's so different in her own way. Staying away from the only best friend she ever had and then all the mental torture she's been through in just 2 years, you can't even imagine what she is."Randhir says.

How does he just say all those things.

"Oh really.. If you know her this good then tell me.. What kind of love she wants?"sameer asks Randhir.

Right at this moment, I'm just a silent spectator.

"She wants the kind of love that compels her. Just like a magician compels someone. She wants a love which has passion and romance but most importantly trust. She wants the kind of love which has friendship as it's base.
However situations occur, she wants her lover boy to support her when she's right and guide her when she's wrong. But he should never leave her. Come what may.
She wants someone with whom she can be herself. Her real self. The real Sanyukta Agrawal.
On his shoulders she can cry, in his ears rings her laugh and in his arms is her world.
She wants someone who can be her guide, her friend, her guardian. And most importantly her husband.
She would want to spend her whole life with him. And for him, she would be his world."Randhir says.

I leave the breath I've holded since a long time.

Was all this for real?

Did he really say that?

"I'm very hungry now. Let's eat."Randhir says and takes the plates on the dining table waiting for me to serve.

And the only things going on in my mind is - Does Randhir know about my feelings for him?

Hey guys.
So sorry I couldn't update till now.
Was a bit busy..
Did you like what Randhir said?
Or was is too dramatic?
And about Randhir..
What does Randhir feel about Sanyukta?
What is going on..
You'll get to know soon.
Well I'll tell you a secret..
Next part is Vidushi's POV..

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