This Is So Bloody Insane..

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I was in a deep slumber. A very sweet and sound sleep. The temperature of my room was just perfect. And I was sleeping so soundly underneath my quilt. Well it's a bit of cold outside. But inside the quilt, lies my heaven. But my heaven and sweet sleep was disturbed by the ringing of my phone.
And now. Here I sit up groaning in frustration. I rub my eyes a lot of time and then open it. They still are not opened properly but who cares.

I take my phone and the first thing I see is the time. It's freaking 2 in the night. I swear on anyone. If this is not important, I'm definitely gonna kill the person. The ringing of the phone has stopped but still I look at my notifications, in case something might be serious.

I have just one missed call and one message. And both are from the same person. But the message is send at 12. And call has been done now.
Is something wrong?
I get up with a jolt and I'm out of my warm quilt.

I open my message box which is filled with his messages.

Alan Walker: Happy 1 year friendship anniversary Princess ;)

I smile reading his message. But suddenly shiver runs down my spine when I feel hot breaths behind me. A lump forms in my throat and I know I've started sweating. I close my eyes and the only thing I want to do at this moment is scream. Scream on the top of my voice. But my body doesn't act accordingly. And the only thing I end up thinking is for some miracle to happen.

All those feelings run away in a moment when I feel two hands wrapped around me. A breath of relief comes out. It's then I realize that I was holding my breath till now. How could I be such a coward.

He leaves me when he feels that I'm not scared anymore and sits on my bed. I turn around to face him properly. Gosh! This boy..

"You scared me."I tell him and he chuckled.
"Can you do anything better than chuckling or smiling?"I ask as I sit on the bed. He comes extremely close to me. My whole body is touching him and I just look at him. He brings his face a lot too close to me. Well I don't get the bad sensation but yes I'm scared. He leaves me at the moment not without chuckling again.
"Moron."I say and he again chuckled.
But I laugh this time.

He is unwrapping the thing that he has brought with him. I guess it's cake. And yes my guess is true. It's not a cake but it's a pastry. He gives me the knife and we both cut the pastry together. He feeds me with the pastry.
"Yummy!!"I say and cut another small slice of it and eat it. I see him looking at me. And I know he wants to eat it too.
"What? If you want you can have the pastry. But you'll have to show me your face buddy.."I say to him and as always he gives me no answer.

After I'm done eating the pastry I sit beside him.
"Happy 1 year friendship anniversary."I say to him taking him in a hug. "Alan Walker"I say and chuckle. He must be rolling his eyes now.

After hugging me he left me. He waved his hands in the air. This means bye. I don't want him to go. I know he has a home of his own and if he doesn't go then his parents will be worried and all. But I want him to be here.

"Is there even a slightest possibility that you will stay here until I sleep?"I say making a puppy face but that's not going to work cause he can't see my face. All thanks to the switched off lights.

He comes again near the bed. I shift on one side so that he can sit. He takes me in his embrace and oh oh boy! Jurassic park starts in my stomach. Not because he took me in his embrace. But because we are so close that I'm able to touch his chest and feel his abs. Like every freaking abs of his body. I touch every single one of them and my gosh.. The feeling is just.. Unexplainable.

He takes my hand by which I'm touching his abs and I look at him. He shakes his head saying no and chuckle. I blush very hard at that one. Thank God.. The lights are off.

It doesn't hurt if your crush finds you staring at him.

But this. Just. Sucks.

I was literally touching his abs and was adoring his freaking chest.

Adoring his freaking chest.

And he caught me doing that.

I dig my head into his chest so that he couldn't see me blushing. Still he cannot see me blushing but I do it anyway.

Did I tell he smells really well.

Chirping sound of birds is the reason I woke up. Well I don't need any alarm clock. They wake me up every morning. I rub my eyes a few times. And then remember what happened at the night. And I frowned not finding him here.

Come on.. You should have assumed that he won't be here. Right?

I answer my own question by nodding my head in a yes.

I go to the washroom and brush my teeth. I switch my music player on and let any random song play. But the song which starts is Faded by Alan Walker. Well not the song. The instrumental version of the song. A smile comes on my face automatically even if I think about him. I put that song on repeat mode. I don't want to hear anything else.

I stand beneath the shower and let the warm water fall all over me. This feeling is so good. The music of the song fills my washroom. After a good 15 minutes I come out of the washroom. Wearing a white top and blue jeans I start drying my hair.

But my thoughts are roaming around him. I know I haven't seen his face even after a year of friendship but I don't need to. I know he is my best friend.

Or more than best friend!?

I hear honking of horn and I go near the window to see who it is. It's Harsh uncle's car. That means today our driver is on leave.

I go downstairs and go towards the car. Parth opens the door of the car and I sit beside him. He gives me one of his best smiles. I smile back so that it doesn't turn awkward.

I, Parth and Tanya are sitting on the back seat. And Randhir must be sitting on the front seat, I guess. Well Tanya is writing something and I guess she is having ear phones in her ear. Maybe she is completing her notes. She was absent for a few days.

And Parth just removed his phone and was texting something to someone. I don't look into his phone cause it will make me a bad girl.
I look outside the window when my phone buzzes with a message.

Alan Walker: Good Morning Princess :)

I smile seeing his message.

Me: Morning Walker :p

I send him message and at the same time Parth received a message.

I gulp in shock. This is insane.

This is so bloody insane.

So I'm back.
I know this is not that big chapter but I'll try updating in next 2 days again. I promise.
So I named the guy Alan Walker. Coz he one of my favorite. N his real look suited the guy.
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