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This was a text message, to someone who didn't know me as well as they do now

Ok, so I guess for you to understand this, Imma have to write you a paragraph. You don't get why I get so angry when people say that my name is pronounced like "Britney", and you may never understand 100%, because people mispronouncing your name is highly unlikely. But think about it this way,
When someone says your name wrong, they say another name. A name that isn't yours. The person they call isn't you. For all of elementary school and middle school people said my name that way and I didn't correct them, but I always felt uncomfortable, because I was answering to a name that wasn't mine. I was literally being a person that wasn't me. Letting someone tell you what your name is, is like letting them tell you who or what you are going to be.
If I let people call me "Britney" it's like letting them decide who I am and who I will be, and "Britney" can mean anything to anyone who says it. It can mean boring, stupid, dull, unoriginal, run of the mill girl (not to say that anyone with that name is that). But I do not want to be just another girl. I want to strong, confident, intelligent, talented, beautiful, competent, and capable. That's who I want to be. That's who I am. And it all begins with a name.

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