It's Complicated

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We always say that a situation is complicated when we don't want to explain it to someone else, but to be honest, a situation is rarely ever complicated. In reality, it's not the situation, it's us. We over complicate things for ourselves, and get in the way of our own success.

My parents are trying to stress me out about college and such, because as of right now, we a not exactly financially capable of me going there, so when they heard that I was nominated for a Posse scholarship, they simply couldn't understand why I was a little less than thrilled.

Posse is an organization that partners with universities to give students with leadership qualities all the money they need to attend this specific universities. The Posse organization is an early decision organization, meaning, if you get accepted and actually receive the scholarships, you have to defer all other acceptance letters, and I don't want to do that. I have an entire list of about 10 schools, and none of the schools on the Posse list are on it.

Man, the situation isn't complicated, we are. We make things way more complicated than they need to be because we are complicated.

Why are we complicated? We don't need to be. It only stresses us out.

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