Why Can't I Spell???

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Over this summer every time I type something, which is pretty much every day (clearly), I find myself going back and seeing a bunch of red squiggly lines. What you guys actually read, is the product of a bunch of editing, rereading, and editing again. it turns out that over the summer, I may have lost my skills at perfect grammar.

Let me go back, ever since middle school, people have been calling me a grammar nazi, because my grammar was always perfect, as well as my spelling, and I was very adamant about making sure other people did the same. Even into high school, to this day, I constantly correct my friends on their grammar, making sure that it is perfect, and now I'm coming to find out that there a actually a LOT of words that I don't know how to spell.

I swear this is because of my friends. Like, literally none of my friends find grammar to be as important as I do, and so they are very lax about it. Often they misspell words and just don't give a shit.



FUCK, why can't I seem to spell anything right anymore.


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