Playride Oneshot

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Plot: Brooke LOVES s'mores. Christine has never tried one when Brooke finds this out, she drags Christine to her house and grabs all the needed materials for s'mores. When they eat them, Christine realizes why Brooke likes them so much.

Brooke POV

Christine and I were at her house just hanging out and talking about plays and musicals when I got a text from my mom. {Sweetie, me and your father are buying materials for s'mores, you should bring Christine over and have some with her} What I didn't notice was Christine poking her head over my shoulder and reading my phone.

"Whats a s'more?" she asked tilting her head a bit. My eyes widened when I heard Christine, "you don't know what a s'more is?" I asked in disbelief, how could she not know what an s'more is, S'mores are literally the best thing humans could ever conjure up. I smiled and looked at Christine, then pulled her arm along as I ran to my house, quickly opening the door and running in to find my parents making s'mores and acting all lovey-dovey to each other. "MOM, DAD, STOP!" I yelled as I grabbed the plate of s'mores and running to my room pulling Christine behind me. "Whoa Brooke slow down," Christine said giggling and kissing my cheek. "No! You need to try this!" I say handing Christine and waiting for her reaction to the treat. When Christine ate the treat her eyes widened as she looked at Brooke. "This is delicious Brooke. Thank you for showing me this, now I can die happy with my girlfriend." she said pulling me into a hug and kissing me, her breath smelled like s'mores, who would've thought.

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