Falling In Love With Baba

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Though she was trying to hide it nothing escaped Mia’s watchful eye. Sera really was interested in Baba. Why was she going to such lengths to hide it? All Mia could think of was maybe Sera was scared to fall in love and instead continued to deny herself of the feeling.

“I don't mind. You go on ahead.” Mia encouraged her to go.

“Okay. I will.” Sera smiled and said she would be back later before heading out.

“Penthouse lounge. Hmm. That shouldn't be too far away since I am in the penthouse.” Sera eagerly made her way to the lounge and as luck would have it Baba was there, alone.

“Ack. He's alone. W-What should I do?” Sera started to panic but she couldn't back out now. “Mia would laugh at me if I ran away now.” She shook her head, “Wait. Why am I even worried? It's not like I have feelings for him. He's just a good friend... I haven't seen in a long time.”

“H-Hello.” Sera timidly came closer to Baba.

“Oh. Hey.” Baba cheerfully greeted her with a smile.
“Do you remember me?”

“How could I forget. You are Sera, Mia’s friend.”

“That's right.” Sera was in disbelief he remembered her. She felt a tightening sensation in her chest but decided to ignore that.

“It's been such a long time. You have grown even more beautiful since I saw you.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere.” Sera said with a blank expression but Baba simply smiled. “I mean it. Your hair is longer, you are wearing a tad more makeup and you are even wearing lipstick this time.”

“Huh?” Sera was awestruck he'd notice such things. Just the fact he remembered what she looked like from so long ago was shocking. “I-I see.” Sera started to fumble about. Last thing she expected was a genuine compliment. Even Mia didn't notice the difference but here Baba was picking it up straight away.

“Hey. Want to go out for a drink? It's on me.”

Sera was brought back to reality by Baba's suggestion. She looked up, still in disbelief, “S-Sure. Sounds fun.”

Sera did her best to smile while feeling rather conflicted inside. Where did her confidence go? And just after she was telling Mia she had no interest in relationships, now she could hardly form a sentence with a man. A stark contrast to her earlier attitude.

“So? How have you been?” Baba asked while sipping on some fine wine.


“Is that so? I don't believe you.” Baba said, his smile nowhere to be seen.

His tone surprised Sera. “Am I that easy to read?”

“Not really. But you have been dropping hints every now and again that something is bothering you.”

Sera was quiet for a moment before sighing, her eyes falling to her glass, “You’re right. I...was in a relationship not too long ago but the man who I loved cheated on me and then dumped me.” Sera explained with a hurtful expression.

It angered Baba to hear that. “That man was an idiot to cheat on you. It was his loss.”

“Yeah... “ Sera sighed sadly, “I really loved him. ...Or so I thought. It really hurt. I never told Mia about it.”

“Because you didn't want to worry her?”

Sera looked up, faintly smiling, “Yeah. I thought it was my fault and I should deal with it alone.”

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