Chapter 15- Lisa's Side of the Story Part 2

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Hey Guys :) I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for not updating very often I'm trying! But thank you so so so much. I hit 20,000 reads!!! That is awesome! Thank you guys for suporting me so much! For those of you who have been reading since I started to all of you who have just started I love you all!

Lisa's POV-

Its been one month now that I've been stuffed down in this small basement. Danny has stopped beating me as much. The first couple days he was very harsh and beat me frequently. I think part of it was because I refused to do what he told me to. He has sexually abused me in ways I don't even want to think about. I started just giving up hope. I get fed twice a day with a meal of bread and butter and a glass of water. I've started to become skinnier.

I sat leaning against one of the walls of the cold basement. I'm in different clothes then the ones I wore the night he took me but there not much better. All he has me wear is a bra, underwear and a pair of shorts. I heard footsteps coming down the steps, a sound I was familiar with. Except this sounded different. There was two pairs of footsteps. The lights flickered on to see Danny and another man.

"And this is her, Jack" Danny spoke. "Get up" he continued. I slowly made my way to my feet, wincing at the pain I was in. The man, which I now knew as Jack, walked in circled looking at me. I tried to cover as much as I could with my arms.

"Danny she's perfect, I'll take her" Jack said walking over to Danny, handing him a wad of money. My hands were no longer in cuffs, Danny trusting me enough to not escape. Danny walked back over to me, pulling a black bag out of his pocket. He put it over my head. As he leaned in to put the bag on my head he whispered something in my ear so that only I could hear it.

"I'm getting you out of here, don't worry." I felt butterflies in my stomach. We walked up the stares and out the door. I was outside for the first time in over a month. I heard Danny shout something to Jack and the house door slammed shut. I forgot what I was wearing until now and instantly became self conscious. I tried to cover myself, and I heard a chuckle from who I assumed was jack. He had his hand on my back and was guiding me who knows where. His hand left my back and I felt a jacket being placed over my shoulders.

We walked a little farther without saying a word until he told me to stop. I heard the sound of a car door opening and he helped me into the car. He shut the door and there was complete silence until the door on the other side opened. I felt the car move a little as he got in and then the door slammed again. Then he pulled the bag off my head. I winced and squinted, adjusting to the now very bright sun.

"Wha-what are you doing?" I asked, still unsure of what was all happening. He gave out a little snort.

"What does it look like? I'm saving you!" he said. I still didn't totally believe what he was saying to he went on to explain. "I was at a bar when I heard this guy, Danny, bragging about how he has a girl for sale, as a sex slave, that was very beautiful. I walked over and asked him more about this girl, trying to seem interested. You see I'm part of this group who finds girls who are being sold for different things and I 'buy' them and set them free, as I'm doing with you. We exchanged numbers and two days later here I am with you and he sure was right about one thing, you are beautiful." I felt my cheeks turning red.

"Thank you." is all I said. Wow, smooth Lisa this man just saved you from being sold as a sex slave and the only words you could get out is thank you?? We continued driving for a while. As were were sitting there I took a peek at him to see what he was really like. He had piercing blue eyes and dark brown hair. Now that I was getting a good look at him, he was actually quite attractive.

"Take a picture it will last longer" he said will a smile. I gave out a little laugh, trying to brush it off. After a little while I spoke again.

"So where exactly are we headed?" I asked.

"All the beds are full at the storage house we converted into a safe house where the girls could stay for a while so would it be okay if you crashed at my house for the night?" he asked. The last time I trusted a guy he ended up kidnapping me, raping me, and abusing me. I didn't know if I should stay at his home. He could tell that I was hesitating so he added, "It's okay if you don't want too, where do you live?" I then told him my address. "That's two towns away, it takes 5 hours to get there!" wow, I must have been unconscious for a long time for Danny to get me all the way here.

"I- I guess I can stay at your house." I said, still unsure of myself.

For the rest of the ride, we rode in silence. It was starting to get dark by the time we bulled into a nice looking apartment. We got out of the car and I followed him up to the door. As he was finding the keys to unlock the builing a couple walked by and the girl made a disgusted noise. I then remembered I only had on a bra, panties, and the jacket Jack gave me. Once he unlocked the house I hurried insied. After we climbed two flights of stairs we made it to his door. He unlock the door and we entered.

It was a pretty nice place I had to admit.

"Welcome to my humble home." Jack said with a smile, kicking off his shoes and walking into the kitchen.

"You need anything to drink or eat?" he shouted. I was still in the living room.

"Um no thanks!" I shouted back. He came back in with a glass of water which I persumed to be for himself.

"Its been a long day for you and I'm betting you haven't been sleeping well with Danny so let me show you to the guest room." He said, setting the glass of water down on a table and walking down a halway and into another room. I followed untill we entered a nice little room with a dresser and a mirror and a queen size bed by one of the walls.

"Here let we go grab some pajamas for you to wear." he said rushig off into another room. He came back with some soft, fuzzy pants and a white comfy looking t-shirt.

"I hope they fit, their the smallest things I have. Well I'll leave you to get changed and go to bed. Goodnight Lisa. Your safe now." He said with a smile and walked out of the room, closing the door as he left. I whispered good night back, even though he couldn't hear me. I changed into the clothes he gave me and climbed into bed. I didn't realize hod tired I was untill my head hit the pillow. Maybe eherything was going to be alright I thought as I drifted into a sound sleep.


Hey hey hey all of you lovely people! I have been a terrible person for not writing I know this is always my excuse but I have been terrible buys but I'm going to pull and all nighter and write a bunch of chapters and maybe write the end of the book I'm not sure how long I'll last!  I love you all so much you don't even know thank you a million times for all the reads, votes, and comments!!!!!!!

*****PLEASE READ*****

I want to write another story, not one amoud TMI. I;ve decided to have a contest to see who comes up with the best idea. You can tell me your ideas through message, on my profile, or comment through here. The winner will get the following:

I will follow them and a shoutout on my profile and in the chapter that I announce the winner, I can't really think of anything else to have as a prize but comment below if you have any ideas and I'll take them into considerations :) I love you all so much. Depending on how many ideas I get I don't know when I will post the winner but I will tell you!

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