Chapter 3- The Rat

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I looked at Jace and rushed downstairs. We saw Isabel standing there looking not amused, Alec cracking up laughing, and Magnus, on a chair, looking terrified.

"The-the-there was a rat!" Magnus screamed, which just made Alec crack up more. By this time me and Jace were also cracking up, trying to keep a serious face, seeing Isabel was NOT amused.

"Oh, come one Isabel, you have to think its a little funny, he got scared from a rat!" Jace says. Now Alec was helping Magnus down, making sure he was OK. Once he was down and put together again we all grouped together.

"We didn't see anything down here what about you guys?" Isabell asked, looking at us.

"Uh, we didn't see anything" It was Jace, replying.

"It must've been just a simple hideout" Alec added.

"Ok, then, back to the institute?" Isabel asked. There was rounds of nods and "yes's" and we walked out the door. When we were back at the institute we all dispersed into our own rooms. I walked back to mine and flopped onto my bed. I kicked off my heels.

I pulled out my phone as a message popped up on my screen.

Isabel: "Hey, can U come to my room pls?"

Me: "Yep sure be there soon." I jumped of my bed and walked down the corridor. I passed a room with an open door peeking inside to see Max laying on the bed listening to an iPod. He looked over at me, I gave a smile, then keep walking. Once I reach Isabel's room, I knock, and she opens the door.

"Come on in" she motiones to her bed. I walk in and sit down.

"Something is going on between you and Jace" she blurts out, right as she shuts the door.

"How did you know!?" I say."I could tell. You two were acting... different" she says."Ok, ok... last night me and Jace kissed. I guess he kinda asked me to go out with him" I said."I knew it I knew it!" she said. We spent the rest of the night talking about Jace._____A/N hey guys, sorry for the short chapter... have a lot of stuff goin of :) next one should be longer.... I've decided that I'm not putting up another chapter till I get at least 5 votes on this chapter and 5 comments from different people. I want feedback!

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