Chapter 9- Clubbing

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A/N Hellooo :)! I just wanna say that... 2,000 reads!! That is crazy! I just wanna thank you all sooooooo much I would never have continued the book this long if it wern't for all of you. Another thing... 100 votes!!! Again crazy!!! I love all the feed back you guys give me, it is amazing! I'm absolutely astounded by it all. Every day I go to my friends and tell them exactly how many reads, votes, and comments and I bet their a bit annoyed because this book is all that I talk about. For everybody that doesn't know I live in Iowa and its freakin cold! Today (Monday the 6th) You know what the high is supposed to be??? -12 degrees. -_- yea I know, cold and with wind chill its gunna get down to -50 degrees! Anyways sorry bout the complaining just wanted to give a little story.

This time comment how the weather is in your state! I absolutely looooove reading comments and I will always read every one and take them all to heart. Now enough of my talking and enjoy!!! :)

Clary's POV-

It's been about three weeks since Jace broke up with me. I've kept myself isolated from the world. Isabel sometimes comes and knocks on my door but I ignore her. One day I was laying in bed thinking to myself about my life.

What the hell Clary? You've been sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and doing nothing. I'm sure you're gaining weight and moping around isn't going to do anything. Wow I'm right. I need to get myself together and live my life, even if Jace isn't going to be a part of it. I layed there for a moment and thought about it. I slowly pulled back the sheets and walked into my bathroom. I haven't taken a shower since the breakup and I probably smell awful. I turned on the water till it was hot and steamy in the room and got in. I took a long shower, making sure that i was clean, then got out and walked to my closet. I pulled out some leggings and a baggy sweatshirt, paired with boots. I dried my hair and did my makeup. Wow it felt nice to finally be clean.

It was about 7:30 when I creaked my door open and looked at my surroundings. No one was around and nothing had changed. I walked down the hall towards Isabelle's room. Once I reached her door I hesitated for a moment but then knocked. I heard footsteps as her door flew open.

"Oh, wow um hey Clary. Listen I" She started.

"There's no need to apologize. I'm fine and I'm sorry for the way I acted. I hope we can just be friends?" I asked.

"Clary that's what I've been wanting since the breakup. I'm sorry too" She said and pulled my into a bear hug. I stumbled and started falling but Isabelle grabbed me but lost her balance and fell too, making us both land on the floor with a thud. We erupted into giggles.

"Isabelle, I want to go out to Pandemonium tonight" I said.

"Well then we better get ready" she said getting up and offering me a hand. I greatly excepted and stood up.

"Now what are you going to wear, do you want sexy or elegant?" she asked looking at me.

"I want as much skin showing as possible" I replied.

She raised an eyebrow but then spoke.

"Sexy it is" and went back to digging through her closet. She eventually pulled out a black mini dress. it had a halter top and showed a lot of cleavage.

"Perfect" I said and walked over, shutting the door behind me. I pulled on the dress and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Here let me to your hair" She said walking over in an elegant white dress that had full sleeves and had cut outs on the side. She pulled out a curler and began to curl my hair. Once my hair was in loose draping curls she handed me a pair of hot pint heel, grabbed a pair of black ones for herself, and we were out the door. As we were about to leave we heard giggling coming down the hall.

"Ohh crap" Isabelle said.

"What, who is that?" I asked. Just then Jace walked around the corner with a girl clinging to him, giggling uncontrollably.

"Oh um Clary, this is... Lisa my... girlfriend" she said. My heart dropped. He moved on, he has a girlfriend?

"We were just leaving bye Jace and... Lisa" she said in disgust pulling me away. As we were turning the corner Isabell said (very loudly so jave and that girl could hear): Don't worry Clary, Jace is a man whore and that little bitch is a slut.

Jace's POV-

As Isabell and Clary walked away I could hear her call me a man whore and Lisa a slut.

"Jace who was she" Lisa asked.

"Oh uh that's my sister" I said.

"Oh, well it was nice to meet her. She's really pretty" she said.

"Yea i guess" I said and kept walking down the hall, Lisa trailing behind. Wow Clary looked gorgeous! That dress fit her perfectly showing off her curves. Her hair fell in curls over her back.

"God shes gorgeous" I whispered.

"What?" Lisa said.

Ohhhh crap.

(Picture of Clary's dress on side (Imagine its black) >>>>>)


Hey guys :) it was -50 today -_- holy crap its cold. To keep the comments going remeber... tell me how the weather is in your state??!!! <3 love you guys!!!!

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