Chapter 21- Its Been Real

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Tonight's the night. I'm standing, looking in the mirror. My dress fit like a glove, with a sweetheart neckline and covered in lace. The band around my waist was covered in jewels and I have earrings and a necklace to match. My hair was elegantly curled and strands were braided back, while some were left by my face, framing it. The makeup on my face was subtle, yet enhancing. It probably wont last long. I'll probably cry it all off. 

"You look gorgeous" my mom said, walking into the room where I had gotten ready. 

"I'm nervous" I replied. 

"Everyone always is. Don't worry, once you start walking down, you'll be fine. I have to go check on some more things but I just came to warn you that were starting soon." she smiled and left the room. I brushed my dress off and ran my hand over my hair one last time, before walking away from the mirror. I sat down and tried to put on my shoes, something that I found to be very difficult because of my large, ballgown like dress.

"Here, let me help you with that." my maid of honor said, walking in and kneeling down in front of me. 

"Be careful of your dress!" I said, worriedly. Her dress was a fiery gold, metallic like color. It was the main theme, that and white. It seemed to be the only colors that truly fit and seemed right.

"Clary, I'm fine." she replied.

"Thank you Izzy, I never could have made it this far." she smiled and strapped on my second shoe. We both stood up and hugged. 

"Hey, Clary, I think there's someone that needs your attention at the moment!" My mom said, walking into the room. 

"Oh, hi big guy!" I said, taking my son, Sam, into my arms. He was a spitting image of his father. Beach blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. He wasn't yet a year old. This day has taken a lot of planning, and we saw it best to wait longer that rush things. I looked at my baby boy, amazed that I could love someone as much as I love him. 

"Alright, Sam, come back to grandma! As the ring bearer you got a big job ahead of you! Your Mama's got to finish getting ready to meet your daddy." she took Sam out of my arms and straightened out his little tux. I gave him one last kiss on the forehead before turning back to the mirror.

"Izzy, you should probably take Sam since you'll be carrying him down the isle." she nodded and my mom handed over Sam to Izzy, then turning to me.

"Alright, lets get this show on the road! T-minus 5 minutes till those doors open and everyone's eyes are on you, Clary. Izzy, get your butt to the doors, your walking in first." my mom had taken control. No one wanted to cross her and make her mad so everyone did as she said. Izzy squeezed my hand and walked out, leaving my and my mom in the room. 

"I love you Clary." My mom said, tearing up.

"Mom, not today. Please don't cry because I'll stark crying!" I walked over and hugged her. "And I love you too" 

We walked out, hand in hand, to the double doors that led outside to the ceremony. We opted to have the ceremony in our back yard, for privacy and cost. 

We stood before the doors, our arms linked. 

"Deep breaths, sweetheart" she said. I could hear the music start to play. "That's are cue!" my mom said, pushing the door open.

Everything happened so quickly. Looking back on that day, I can still feel the love that was omitted. Lots of tears, lots of hugs, and of course, lots of happiness. From the "I do's" to the honeymoon by the beach with our lovely son, everything was perfect.

I have the perfect life. The perfect husband, the perfect son, and the most amazing family ever. 

Izzy finally found the love of her life. She is married happily with kids. Alec and Magnus are still them. I guess that's the only way to describe it. They both are to stubborn to ask the other to marry them, so their stuck in a stand still. We have a bet going on who will be the one to ask. 

As for me and Jace, well, you could say its been a happily ever after. Sam is 10 and as energetic as ever. Life couldn't be better. I'm happy. 

We're all happy.


Thank you to all of you that have stuck around! From those of you that have been with me from the begging and have put up with my horrible tendency to not update, to those of you that just found this book a couple days ago. Its been real, its been fun. Its been real fun. 

And with this, I bid you farewell. 


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