My Apologies

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Well, I'm alive. Its been over a year since I've updated and I am truly sorry for that. I've just abandoned this book and have honestly not been on Wattpad in over 6 months. Its been brought to my attention that there are a lot of you out there that do enjoy this story and its not fair for me to just abandon all of you. 

I don't know how long this story will be, but I promise you all an ending. It might be soon, it might not. Brace yourselves. I was also considering signing my account and story over to someone who would continue writing it for me. I feel as though it wouldn't be the same though if it were someone else writing it for me. If I were to do this I would want to give my account to someone who was truly going to continue with the story and not destroy it or forget about the story like I have. I'm not saying that I will hand over my account and story, but if you are interested, let me know. Message me.  

A new chapter will be provided soon, to relieve all of your much built anticipation. 


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