Chapter 14- Lisa's Side to the Story

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A/N- Sorry :/ I havent updated in a loong time and I'm really sorry I just had spring break and I've kind of hade writers blovk. I still kind of do but I'll try because I know I need to update.

Lisa's POV-

After Jace ran out of the room I became all worred. I was really falliing for him. Heak I think I might even love him. And for me, It's pretty hard to be able to love someone.


We had been dating for two years now and I thought he was going to propose. I walked up to his appartment because we were having supper there. I really truely loved him so much. I gave up my dream of moveing back to Idris to be with him because he was only human. He knew what I was but he didn't care, or so I thought.

I rang the bell for him to let me in and he instantly did. I walked up to find a very romantic room filled with candles and rose pettles. There was beautifully cooked food, all of my favourite, on the table.

"Oh, Danny, this is beautiful" I said running into him arms. He hugged me back and gave me a peck on the cheek before pulling the chair out for me to sit down.

"I love you Lisa" Danny said and we started eating. "Would you like some Wine?" he asked getting up from the table in the living room. I nodded my head and he went out to the kitchen and came back out with a bottle of red wine. He pured me a glass. I picked up a glass and took a sip. It tasted a little weird. I started feeling a little weird.

"Danny I said before i fell out of my chair and onto the ground. My eyes were fluttering shut as I saw him standing over me with a smirk on him face.

I woke up chained to a chair in a dark room. I started panicking and squirming in my chair. I must have been in a basement because the next thing I know I heard footsteps going down the stairs. I had a light hanging over me in a cleche movie kind of way. I outlined a body but could not make the face. Once I saw the facec connected to the body, I was terrified.

"Danny, wha- why am I hear?" I asked. He circled my chair and I crande my neck, trying to see him at all times.

"Oh my sweet, sweet Lisa. Your hear so we can be together, forever." oh my god, what does that mean!?

He moved closer to my face, trying to kiss me. I took the oppurtuniry to kick him with what leg I had that wasn't tied up.

"Don't you ever touch me again, you monster" I spat in his face. The next thing I know I watched his hand swing down onto my face as I cried out in pain. He had slapped me. I thought he was such a good guy, wouldn't even hurt a fly and she just slaped me!

He pushed me onto the ground. My head hit the cold stone floor and I blacked out.

I awoke by a cold rush of water. Danny was holding an empty pail which I persumed so be the thing that held the water that was now splashed all over me.

"What the hell!" I shouted. I was still on the ground like I was when I fell. I tried to get up but a searing pain shot throught my head. I quivvered in pain and slumped back to the ground.

Danny walked over and roughly grabbed my arms, pulling me up into my chair.

"Now listen here. From now on, I'm in charge. You will listen to everything I say and do everything I say or you will be punished." He went around behind my chair and brought out a whip. He pulled me from my chair and over to the side of the room. Till this point I could only see what was around my chair. He walked over to the door and flipped on the switch.

The room was a stone room with a bed over in a corner. He had brought handcuffs over with him and grabbed my hands. There was a bar on the wall and be chained my hands to it so I faced the wall with my arms in the air. I now saw that he had a whip in his hand. He raised his arm and brought the whip down on my back. It stung a lot but I bet it would have been worse if I didn't have clothes on. He whipped me several times.

"Please stop" I whimpered before I blacked out.

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