Before The Storm...

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Miley wasn't the most popular girl in school. And believe it or not, she liked it that way. She didn't have time for friends, she had to raise her little brother, Frankie. Their father died, a year after Frankie was born, and their mother has to work two jobs to support them. Miley needs to help her Mother and her Brother. They mean everything to her, if only people knew her struggles, maybe they wouldn't harass her everyday. And by people, I'm mostly talking about Joe, Demi, Selena and Nick. They hate Miley. Always had, in pre-school, they stole her crayons. Made up rumors and jokes, and made her the biggest joke in Elementary. And pretty much tormented her through highschool. She's a senior now, their all seniors, trying to focuse on their next big move after highschool. Miley really wants to do something big with her life. She wants to make music, singing is her passion. And even though, she spends most of her time taking care of, and trying to be a parent to, her 8 year old brother. She stills finds time after school, to stop by Mr. Shusters, music room, to play piano. Until, one day, Bad Boy Nicholas gets sent thier for detention, and learns something about Miley, that changes both of them in a whole new way...

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