Part 1

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Sean walked down the small hallway and into the living room.  Where a little girl kneeled over a coffee table, shoveling in spoonful's of Lucky Charms cereal.  Her eyes were glued to the TV as it played a Disney movie called 'Wall-e'.  Sean strolled over to her and gave her a kiss on the head, before telling her happily.  "Good Morning, Sam".  Sam continued to chew, her eyes locked on the screen, but her hand lifted up for an acknowledging high five.  Smiling, he high fived her and turned toward the kitchen.  His heart instantly ached, but he couldn't imagine why.  Standing in the kitchen, Signe stood before the stove humming softly along to the song playing in the movie.  She hadn't noticed him yet.  Slowly, he crossed over into the kitchen to stand behind her.  The ache in his heart only got worse.  He felt such a strong desire to hold her in his arms.

Signe turned around and jumped in fright, letting out a small squeal.  Swiping the dish towel off the counter, she smacked his arm with it, snapping back.  "Sean! Don't do that! You know I hate that"!  Sean chuckled, reaching out to wrap his arms around her.  Pulling her into a hug, he rocked her slowly to the song.  She giggled in his arms, leaning against his chest.  The smell of her perfume and the feeling of her warmth.  They gave him such comfort.  She turned around in his arms to stare into the living room, whispering quietly to him.  "She's just like you. I caught her pouring her cereal into a cup this morning. You're a bad influence on her".  Sean rolled his eyes, whispering back.  "I'm teaching her valuable life lessons".  Signe turned her head to look him in the eyes, stating out sweetly.  "Is that what you call it? Just don't go getting her addicted to coffee just yet. She's only five".  Sean shrugged, mumbling back.  "Semantics". 

Signe touched his cheek, whispering inches from his lips.  "I love you".  Her lips pressed tenderly against his, before he had the chance to answer.  Cupping her face with his hand, he kissed her deeply and so passionately.  The very taste of her was delicious.  She turned her body to face him and he backed her up into the counter.  She let out a soft embarrassed squeal and tried to break the kiss, but he wouldn't let her.  He wanted to taste her lips a little longer.  Signe caved quickly, wrapping her arms around his neck.  From across the room, Sam giggled loudly.  Sean broke the kiss to look up at her curiously and Sam quickly looked away from them.  Signe brushed a thumb over his lower lip, drawing his attention back.  Some of her lipstick must have worn off on him again.  There was even a playfulness to her voice, when she told him.  "Hungry"? 

Sean grinned wickedly, lifting her up onto the counter as she squealed and playfully snapped out.  "Sean, Don't! That's not what I meant"!  Sam paused her movie, standing up to face them as she asked.  "What are you doing"?  Sean opened his mouth, but Signe covered it with her hand, answering quickly.  "Your father is trying to eat me"!  Sam's eyes widened in horror as she asked a little nervous.  "Why would he do that"?  Signe removed her hand and gave him a smug smile.  So, he playfully backed away from the counter, stalking around into the living room as he told Sam playfully.  "Because I eat people that eat my lucky charms"!  Sam's face went pale as her eyes shot to the bowl of cereal on the coffee table and back to him.  Sean gave her an evil grin and raised his hands.  Sam let out a sharp playful scream and made a mad dash for the hallway! 

Sean cut her off, lifting her up into his arms as she let out more playful screams and called out to Signe.  "MOMMY! SAVE ME"!  Sean tightened his grip around her squirming body and pressed his mouth to her exposed stomach to blow until it tickled her!  Sam let out fits of laughter, screaming out in bursts.  "That tickles! MOMMY"!  Signe crossed into the living room and Sean paused long enough for her to boop his nose.  Sean playfully fell to his knees and released Sam, before completely collapsing across the floor.  Sam blinked, asking her curiously.  "What did you do to him"?  Signe simply told her.  "It's his only weakness. You have to boop his nose".  Then Signe suddenly added a little mischievously.  "Although, now that I think about it. He does have one other weakness".  Jack opened his eyes to look up at Signe curiously.  When she quickly bent down to tickle him! 

Sam scampered away quickly, laughing as she watched from a safer distance.  Sean thrashed across the floor, trying to suppress his own fits of laughter.  Until he saw an opening and took it.  Grabbing her arm, he pulled her down over him and rolled her onto her back.  She let out a soft cry and tried to boop his nose, but he playfully pinned her wrists down and kissed her.  When the room was a little too quiet, Sean lifted his head to look for Sam.  Only to find her standing close enough to quickly boop him on the nose.  Sean playfully rolled off Signe and she got up quickly, telling Sam with chuckle.  "Keep him down! I need to make his coffee"!  Every time Sean flinched, Sam would boop his nose just to be safe.  Sean could even hear Signe's laughter from the kitchen.  She was getting a kick out of it.  Sam only stopped, when Signe brought over his coffee. 

Sean sat up to take the warm cup, inhaling the intoxicating scent, before he looked into the cup.  Was there something in there?  He stared at the swirling liquid as a figure of a teenage girl appeared.  The longer he stared, the clearer it got, until the girl in his cup called out loudly.  "DAD! DAD! Wake up"!  Sean shook his head and opened his eyes.  He was laying in the living room, but it was full of moving boxes.  Samantha kneeled beside him, asking him very tenderly.  "Daddy? Are you alright"?  Sean slowly sat up a little shakily.  A dream?  It felt so real.  Samantha brushed her long brown hair out of her face and hesitantly picked up a photo that was laying on the floor next to him.  Sean's heart sank.  He must have fallen asleep last night, while trying to pack up the last box.  The photo albums had distracted him.  Samantha's eyes softened as she stared at photo longingly, telling him gently.  "I miss her too". 

Sean couldn't answer.  His throat was starting to constrict.  Samantha looked up at him with worry on her face.  Sean cleared his throat, forcing himself to reply much lighter.  "Ya... Hey, lil' Sam can you run down to the coffee shop and pick us up some coffee to go? I'll  finish this last box".  He hoped she'd go.  He needed to be strong for her... but that dream had weakened his resolve.  He needed a moment.  He didn't want her to see him break down.  Samantha reached out to squeeze his hand, nodding reluctantly.  She climbed to her feet, handing him the picture and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.  He had to bite his tongue in order to keep it together.  When he finally heard the door click shut behind her, he let his tears fall.  Loosing Signe had blown a hole in their perfect life.  She never got to see her daughter turn seven.  Carefully putting the picture back into the album, Sean sealed up the last box. 

He didn't want to leave this house.  It's where their family had started... but the memories were becoming too painful to bare.  Deep down he knew why Samantha convinced him to move.  It wasn't because it was closer to things they enjoyed, or because it would be closer to her school for a lower cost.  It was because she was worried about him.  She'd caught him passed out on the sofa one night, while watching home videos.  On another night, she caught him sitting on the kitchen counter drinking whiskey as he watched the sunset through the kitchen window.  She was afraid this house was hurting him.  So, this was him proving that it wasn't.  That he was ready to let go.  Sean stood up straight and took in the house with watery eyes.  He told himself that this was just a house.  He was letting go of the house... not her.  No one could ever replace her.

It took a few shaky breaths and blasting his rock music from his phone to build his resolve back up.  The new house would be good for them.  Sam needed a bigger bedroom anyway.  They even allowed pets in the new neighborhood.  They'd be ok.  He'd be ok.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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