Kathleen pulled out her bow and arrow, Pierce choosing to stay human with a machete at hand.

   The first wave of the dead appeared in the open. Their eyes hollow and blood shot; skin molten and rotten. Blood stained around their mouths. There were a few werewolf's with their rib cage exposed. Dead but still approaching. The necromancer was stronger, turning any undead.

   Kathleen readied her bow, firing away her first set of arrows. It sank into the skulls of two of the dead.

   Marisa roared, exposing canines before lunging out. The attack was on. One by one Marisa destroyed each of the dead wanting only the necromancer. She kept an eye on Tess helping her time from time. Despite not being able to use much of her abilities, Tess knew how to fight.

   The dead tried to bite away at Marisa only losing their heads.

   By the time they were finished, there were over a few dozen of the dead, dead. The smell of rotten flesh ripped had the same effect of someone taking off shoes with bad foot odor, times four. There was no movement.

   Marisa looked around. She could feel the necromancer close. She shifted eyes from left to right whispering for Val to stay in her wolf. Closing her eyes instead, Marisa focused not on heartbeats but on the spirits around her. They whispered things to her. He was close enough to listen.

   "We need to stop doing this?" Marisa spoke calmly. She stood straight relaxing her shoulders. "This...you send the dead after us. We kill them all over again. You nowhere to be found." Marisa looked down a path knowing he was that way.

   "Maybe he isn't strong enough to just face you? My little nephew would have fought us head on by now," Kathleen pointed out. He waved her arm out carelessly. "This was a waste of our time."

   "Give him a chance to prove himself," Pierce argued.

   "Prove what?" Kathleen snorted. "That he's a coward who hides behind dead souls. He probably fucks them too."

   Pierce shrugged, considering. "You could be right." They were purposely insulting him, playing the sympathetic verses non sympathetic role.

   "Perhaps...he just doesn't really know what he's doing?" Marisa said. "So he wastes are time searching for weaknesses."

   "I am not...weak." A soft but masculine voice brought everyone to stare around.

Expecting to find the necromancer as their father, Tess walked close to Marisa watchful and wryly. The man that appeared was young. Barely considered a man. Marisa looked to Tess confused.

"I can tell what you're thinking." His voice choked on sarcasm.

"What's that?" Marisa said already annoyed.

"How can someone like me store up so much trouble?"

Marisa purses her lips. "Sort of." She nodded. "My thoughts were more along the line of...who sent you out here to pretend to be the cause to all our troubles?"

He sneered, offended by the suggestion that he was impersonating the real threat. "Do you want a test to what I can do?"

"Just like a man...always aiming to prove yourself capable of something no woman here would care to see." If he didn't like insults he was coming after the wrong person. "Why are you after me?"

Bitten Rogue (Bitten Series~ Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now