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I can dance,
I can act,
I can sing,
I am a clown.

Watch me dance and fall down,
Laugh at me,
Laugh with me,
I don't care for I am a clown.

Want to hear a joke?
Knock, knock and what do you get...?
An open door, a busy tent,
The ringmaster cracks his whip and on I run with the animals,
In time to the beat I tap my feet,
I am a clown.

I can cry,
I can feel,
I can laugh,
I am a clown.

Watch me sweep the spotlight,
Applaud when I'm done,
Applaud but not in awe,
I am a clown.

Am I the only person who doesn't get the gag?
Am I the only puppet person?
Pull my strings and I'll do what you want me to,
I am a clown,
But I don't feel the laughter that you do,
It's hard to laugh - so on with the make-up - a front.

Oh, to climb the ladder and do the trapeze,
Or walk the high wire,
But no!  I am a clown,
"Sorry you're a clown."

I gave up,
I gave in,
Gave my all,
But I am a clown.

Don't bother to watch the tears,
Disregard the sad clown,
Disregard the talent of farce,
"You're a clown, you don't feel."

The darkroom is where I belong,
On a photo to bring joy, to make people laugh,
I make you laugh - I can command you,
But I know that when you go home,
Your lips won't mention me except to condescend,
It's an art! I trained you know.

So home I go,

|Delerious the Clown|


Up in the sky,
Where are you going to,
Flying so high?

Over the mountains,
And over the sea!

Flying-man, Flying-man,
Can't you take me?

|Vanoss the Flying Man|


The crowd will think it grace
But I can hear the wind assaulting my ears
I can feel the strain in my fingers 
The skin is worn from holding on

My body twists and tucks 
The crowd will think it a feat
I'm just surviving the threat
Of constant gravity 
Just routine

I barely notice the effort anymore
They will label my instincts majesty
I'm just trying to stay up
Having felt the bottom 
I no longer believe in the net

|Mini the Trapeze Artist|


I have fought you in tears for years,
useless in our abuse, an excuse for entertainment at the merriment of no one save we two and we knew the outcome, always the same the shame in the unfought defeat, fresh meat for the masses to feed on and laugh at on our behalf.

And at morning’s light, the same fight of we two, me and you going round and round in a cage, our own stage of self-destruction, and an eruption of no one clapping in amusement, a bemusement and a confusing silence as I realize that the whip that’s hurting me is the very same one held by me.

|Wildcat the Lion Tamer|


there is a clear, fine line
cuts a path through the air

each step, once gingerly tread
with my balancing pole,
my highwire act of tight control

its a slackwire i walk this time
i'll need my dancing feet
no tension between the two poles
i'm my own pivot point

Circus Act - H2oVanossTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon