The Banana Circus

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The Train huffed and puffed as it trailed along the rusted metallic tracks, headed to Toronto.

This train was unlike any other. It carried misfits and people of all sorts.

Weird and Funny. Wild and Calm.

From the first caboose you could here the maniacal laughter of the clown rehearsing his one-liners and 'Knock knock' jokes.

In the second, You could hear the 'Thuds' and 'Thumps' of knives hitting their target.

In the third, you could hear the mighty roars and calls of the big cats that lay in their cages, eager of what's to come.

All along the train, in each caboose, a different noise emits from the wooden walls.

'The Banana Circus'

Etched into the side every second caboose, the big red words let everyone know who they were.

"Put me in a freak show
What do you see?
Go to big top
Pay the fucking fee

Be amazed  
Do not fear
Cover your eyes
I am not here

Laugh at the clown
See the liar
Fall to the ground
Death by the wire

Fly in the air
Swallow the sword
Cut in half
Missed the board

Lobster boy
Bearded lady
Strongest man
Nothing too shady

Lights go down
Big top fell
Scream of murder
Gone to hell." Hums a man, twirling his cane round and round.

He sits down at his small wooden desk and straightens a golden nameplate that sits in the centre.

'Ohm' is what it reads, etched out in silver.

He continued humming his tune, removing his large black top hat from his head and setting it down onto the desk.

"Vanoss," the man speaks, brushing his short brown hair out of his view, "Would you be a dear and grab my new jacket from the closet?"

From the corner of the room, a smaller male stood up from his hunched over position and trudged over to a large wooden closet.

He swings open the doors and reaches for the large red coat with an Omega symbol shaped pin that hangs in the middle.

But before he could grab it, a jolt of electricity runs up and through his neck.

He quickly drops to the floor and groans, quivering.

"Vanoss. You must be faster than this." Ohm says before a clicking sound is heard again.

Vanoss seems to be struggling at this point, grabbing the closet door as support to help him up but each time he finally stands, Ohm clicks the small button on the remote once more, causing his knees to buckle and him to fall.

Ohm merely finds this entertaining.

"C'mon! You can do it. Get up!" He shouts, laughing afterwards.

Vanoss is shaking at this point, but he knows that he won't stop until he has his jacket.

With whatever energy he has left, he stands up and yanks the jacket from its hanger, tossing it over and onto Ohm's desk.

Ohm claps, "Good job Vanoss. You still need to work on being quicker though."

Vanoss drags his feet back over to the corner of the room and sits back down, playing with the chains that keep his wings constricted.

"Don't touch them Vanoss." Ohm speaks as he tosses on his jacket, flattening out any kinks with his hands.

Vanoss only hangs his head low, dropping his hands to the ground.

"Now don't get all sad on me now, we are here!" Shouts Ohm, putting his top hat back on as the doors to the caboose swing open.

Ohm grins and walks over to him, unlocking the chains.

Vanoss just shields his eyes from the bright sun light that pours in all at once, groaning quietly.

Once the chains fall Vanoss immediately stands and unfolds his large brown wings, the feathers shimmering in the sun.

He quickly pushes past Ohm and takes flight once he reaches the cement flooring of the train station.

Ohm only smiles, knowing that he wouldn't be able to stray far or else he'd get a nice shock.

Then the rest of the train begins unloading.

- 673 Words -

Circus Act - H2oVanossWhere stories live. Discover now