The Plan

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It was quiet while everyone ate at the table. Craig and Tyler had intertwined hands, Craig smiling as he ate while Tyler looked away.

Evan had one of his wings wrapped around Jonathan, pecking his cheeks every so often to comfort him.

Luke's body still lay on the cold loor, unmoved and untouched.

Jonathan didn't dare eat. No, he kept looking back at Luke's body.

"You need to eat." Evan says, offering him some of his sandwich.

The food they get served there was decent. They needed to keep their strength up anyways.

Jonathan only shook his head, resting his chin in his hand.

Evan just sighs and rests his head on his shoulder.

"You'll need to eat sometime Jon." Evan says in a quiet tone.

"I know." Jonathan whispers, kissing the top of Evan's head.

Everyone seemed to be resting. David was holding Lui in his arms while Lui slept.

Brian had his arms wrapped around Brock's waist while Brock smiled.

Even Marcel had his head rested ontop of 407s.

Tyler looked around and smiled before clearing his throat.

"We need a plan of escape." Tyler says while looking around, not daring to make eye contact with anyone else.

"Tyler's right." Brock says, looking over at David.

David only nods and looks over to Evan.

Evan finishes up his sandwich and wipes his hands on his shirt to get rid of any leftover crumbs.

"Alright. Lets get this going."


"After lunch you will be allowed outside for fresh air. You have a total of Twenty minutes." Evan states, looking around the group.

"Before you go outside you'll be given new clothing that matches your hybrid type." Evan continues, looking over at Jonathan.

"Birds are red. Green for Apes and Monkeys."

"What about everyone else?" Brian asks, scratching behind his ear.

"You are blue. When Mr. Scott comes back, he will have the clothes for you." Evan says, gesturing to the cafeteria entrance.

"We'll need to hide Luke's body from Scott." Jonathan says, looking back at the body of his childhood brother.

"Tyler, David, could you take care of that?" Evan asks, his tone serious.

David groans and Tyler shakes his head. "Why do we have to do it?"

"Because I asked!" Evan snaps, slamming his hand down onto the metallic table.

The room went quiet.

"Alright." Tyler agrees, standing up alongside David.

Evan clenched his fist then released, his knuckles becoming white from the tension.

"Hey calm down." Jonathan says while rubbing circles into Evans back.

Evan just looks up at him and nods.

"Mr. Scott won't let me outside since the last incident. So you'll need to be my eyes and ears on the outside." Evan says, looking over at Craig and the others.

Then there is a 'click'

Everyone freezes.

"Its cool. Its just the closet where they keep the cleaning supplies." Says Scott, pointing over at Tyler and David who have successfully hidden the body.

Everyone relaxes and lets out a long, hardy breath.

Evan then stands up and walks over towards the doors.

"They don't tell you when your lunch break is over. They expect you to know." Evan says, looking back at everyone.

They all quickly stand and follow after, bidding goodbye to Marcel and 407 who went the other way along with some other hybrids.

They walked back down the same dim hallways, passing the same guards who had guns at the ready.

Each of the males stepped back into their cells and sighed.

Evans cell locked while everyone else's stayed open.

"Its time for you guys to go out now. Don't do anything stupid, please." Evan begs, looking at his friends from behind the bars.

"Don't worry Evan. We won't." Brock assures, giving Evan a warm smile.

Evan leans against the bars and looks over at Jonathan, flashing him his famous smile.

Jonathan smiles back and reaches through the bars, grabbing Evan's chin.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid. Don't let Delirious out." Evan warns.

Jonathan chuckles. "I won't. I just couldn't stand you being hurt." Jonathan says, his fingers brushing the make-shift bandage around Evans neck.

Jonathan and Evan lock eyes again and smile before Jonathan leans in, resting his hand on Evan's cheek, his face resting between the bars.

His hand still on Evan's face. They've never had communication problems before so Evan trusted Jonathan's word. Evans wanted him ever since the moment they met and he's waited too long. He can't waste this perfect moment.

He lean's in.

Evan closes his eyes. Jonathan kisses him.

'He tastes like chocolate and mint. This is what a kiss is supposed to feel like.' Evan thinks to himself.

They've had some decent kisses, Evan's almost memorized the way Jonathan's lips fit with his own.

But this was different. Evan knew. He felt it.

"You kiss like a girl." Jonathan says once they break the kiss.

"So do you." Evan replies, grinning.

-End of Chapter Twenty-Two; 826 Words-

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