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- Vanoss Dream -

I slowly woke up to the sound of humming.

I wasn't resting against the wall like I previously recall, I was in a bed with blue covers.

Confused yet curious, I slowly sat myself up, stretching my wings out to the side before folding them back.

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed after tossing the covers off, I look up at the source of the humming.

It was Delirious. He had his back to me and instead of being in his clown costume, he wore a light blue hoodie with a grey shirt and black baggy pants.

His black curly hair all over the place and sticking up in every direction.

In other words, his bed hair.

It's quite cute actually.

For once, I felt my lips curl back into a smile.

I touch my cheeks, they were hot.

I believe this is what they call blushing. I don't remember blushing, ever.

'Maybe something is wrong with me? Is this supposed to happen?' I thought to myself.

I shake my head before standing up, slowly approaching the clown from behind.

"G-Good Morning Jonathan." I say, using the clowns given name that he had told me yesterday.

He only groans back in response, not  saying a word.

I brush it off and slowly approach his right side, looking up at his face with a small smile.

"What are you doi-" I cut myself off when I met his piercing blue eyes.

His face.

He doesn't have one.

All I see is static.

No definitive features except his eyes.

"What's the Matter Vanoss? You look like you've seen a ghost." He chuckles out, a sly grin plastered to his face.

Frightened, I take a a few steps back.

That stupid grin stays glued to his face, "Or should I call you Evan~"

'How.. How does he know that? I never told him my name..' I think before taking a few more steps backwards towards the corner.

"Oh come now. I'm not gonna hurt cha!" He says with a cackle, laughing his infamous laugh.

"What did I do w-wrong? Why are you like this?" I ask, visibly shaking.

"Existing this long is what you've done wrong." He says bluntly, grinning.

I continue shaking, tears threatening to fall as my sight blurrs.

Seeing me like this must have satisfied him.

He only frowns and tucks his hands into his pockets, "Freak!" He shouts before turning and walking away.

He then disappears behind the curtain.

I feel the tears run down my cheeks, my vision even more blurry then before.

I quickly begin wiping them away, sniffling in an attempt to not show any weakness, but it was already too late.

I don't know why, but I quickly followed after him as if my feet were moving on their own.

Appearing on the other side of the curtain, I look up to meet the faces of everyone.

All the performers, even Ohm.

All staring at me.

Jonathan was in the centre, his hands still in his pockets.

Their faces nothing but static.

"What's wrong with him?" Nogla Asks.

"Fucking Freak." Mumbles Wildcat.

"What the Fuck Vanoss." Mini scoffs.

"Disgusting." Says Cartoonz.

"Hehehehe. Freak!" Giggles Delirious.

"Come on guys.. I-I'm not any different.." I say, raising my hands in defense. "Please Guys.." I beg, looking over at Jonathan as tears stream down the sides of my face.

"Monster.." Whispers Ohm with a grin.

It just repeated over and over in my head, my eyes widening as I cover my ears.

"I'M NOT A MONSTER! NOT ANYMORE!" I shout, trying to subside the voices in my head.

"You know what you've done Evan. What you really are." Ohm whispers before everything fades to black.

- End of Vanoss' Dream -

Vanoss quickly jumps out of the bed, frightened and awake as ever.

He looks around, seeing nothing but darkness and here's nothing but Delirious' light snores which fill the room.

He lifts his arm and opens his hand, walking forward in an attempt to feel out any of the walls.

Once his fingers skim over the delicate wood, he walks forwards, trying to find the door to the caboose.

Stepping lightly and quietly, he finally reaches the other side of the curtain, the moonlight seeping through the small cracks in the wood.

It only illuminates the room a bit, but it was good enough for Vanoss to help him find what he was looking for.

The silver handle of the door makes Vanoss shutter as he rubs his once bruised and fractured elbow.

Thanks to all the tests and experiments they ran on him, his healing was accelerated.

He slowly begins opening the door, unaware that Mini had heard him get up.

Mini rubbed his tired eyes and slowly sat up, looking around before his eyes land on Vanoss.

Mini took notice of how frightened he was and how he was shaking.

Vanoss quickly slipped out once the door was pulled back enough and looked around.

The train was still at the station and it was quiet chilly as it was mid October.

Vanoss began rubbing heat into his arms, his breaths uneven as the cold bites at his nose.

"Vanoss?" Someone's calls out from behind, causing him to jump back out of fear and in defence.

- 893 Words -

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