New Experiments

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"Good Morning my Pets!" Scotts shouts as the lights flicker on.

Jonathan hisses, Craig whines, Tyler just mumbles, Brock and Brian are up and ready while Nogla and Lui just whisper '5 more minutes..'

But Evan was already up, he's been up for hours.

He had bags under his eyes and his hands were shaking.

He knew what was coming for him and the rest of his friends.

He could call them that right? No.. I think family is more like it.

They all stood by his side and did him well while he just dragged them into his own problems.

"Evan." Scott says from the other side of the bars.

Evan didn't answer.

"Evan!" Scott snaps causing Evan to flinch and slowly look over at the man.

"You get to choose who goes first." Scott says with a grin.

Evans eyes only widen and he quickly jumps at the man, reaching for him between the bars.

"Don't you lay a hand on them!" Evan snaps, growling.

"Feisty aren't we?"

"Please.. Don't hurt them.." Evan says quietly, letting his arm rest on the bar.

Scott just walks over and grabs Evans muzzle, pulling his face against the bars.

"This is your fault. I'll make them regret ever meeting you. Wildcat is first." Scott says, tossing Evan onto the ground.

"No!" Craig shouts, rattling the cage door.

"Grab him." Scott says pointing at Wildcat then walking away.

"Evan!" Brock shouts, "Stop him!"

Evan only stood their and rattled the bars, his eyes flashing gold and his nails turning into talons.

"Evan.." Jonathan warns, peeking through the small window.

Evan just gripped the bars tighter, a snapping sound is heard as his wing lifts off the floor and rests back in its normal place.

Jonathan just watched, assuming that the tests Scott had ran on Evan gave him some sort of accelerated healing.

Evan only placed his head onto the bars, glancing over at Jonathan.

His yellow eyes held anger and sorrow.

Evan mouthed 'I'm sorry' again before a cry of pain and terror ripped through the halls.

It was Tyler.

Craig covered his ears and began crying, shouting out for his crush.

"Tyler!" Craig shouted over and over and over.

Evan just looked at the ground and Jonathan backed up in horror along with the others.


After what seemed to be about an hour, Tyler was dragged back down the hall by two men and Scott had a pleased look on his face.

"They don't call him Wildcat for nothing." Scott says with a grin before snapping again.

The men toss Tyler into his cell and grab Brock and Lui, dragging both of them away.

"Lui!" David screams, reaching for him through the bars.

"Brock! Fight back! Don't let him win!" Brian shouts, shaking the cage door.

Evan only lifts himself up on his tippy toes, trying to see into Tyler's cell.

"Tyler?!" Craig screams, tears streaming down his face as he peers through the small window.

Tyler just groans and slowly sits up, rubbing his head. "That hurt like a fucking bitch."

Tyler froze "The fuck is ontop of my head!?" He screams, touching the large white tiger ears that now protrude from his head.

"Ears." Jonathan said quietly. "You have a tail too."

Evan only nodded.


One by one, two by two, each of the performers were taken and made into what Scott calls, 'Weapons' and what Tyler calls 'Hybrids'

Brock was turned into an Eagle and had wings like Evan.

Lui was turned into some type of Monkey.

David was turned into a Pit Bull hybrid.

Craig was part fox.

Brian was part wolf.

Tyler was half man, half tiger.

And Jonathan, well he was part Racoon.

Each time someone would get dragged off, Evan would cry and plea for mercy, but each one of them came back changed.

Evan was already changed, he didn't need anymore changes, Right?


"Oh Evan.. it's your turn." Scott says as he walks over to the cell.

"W-What?! I've already been tested on!" Evan protests, backing up into the farthest corner of the room.

"Leave him alone!" Jonathan shouts, his grey ears flattening against his head.

Scott only opened the door and grinned.

"Oh Cartoonz!" Scott shouted with a smile. "Grab Evan for me, would ya?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Jonathan watches as Cartoonz walks down the hall, standing proud and tall.

"Sure thing."

"Oh.. no breaking anything either."

Cartoonz only pouts. "Fine."

Cartoonz steps into the cell and raises his fists, ready to fight since Evan would defiantly put up one.

Evan's eyes changed to Gold and he raised his wings up in a defensive manner.

Evan's eyes changed to Gold and he raised his wings up in a defensive manner

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He let out a low hiss as a warning and took a step forward.

His animal instincts had taken over.

Cartoonz only grinned. He never backed down from a fight.

- End of Chapter Sixteen; 818 Words -

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