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It was quite cold outside.

They all stepped out from behind the large grey doors after being down a series of hallways.

Jonathan told Craig to remember each turn and corner they walked passed.

It was useful information. After all, they'd need to know where the doors were.

Jonathan observed his surroundings, as did Tyler.

David and Brian counted the number of guards watching.

Lui and Brock made notes of certain groups of hybrids. Ones that could prove useful in their escape.

"Hey guys!" Marcel calls from a smaller crowd of hybrids, 407 following after.

David smiles back and waves. "Aye Marcel."

The rest of the group retreats from their previous tasks except for Jonathan.

He stood right in front of a 15ft high fence.

The top was covered in jagged and twisted wires and the bottom was sealed with cement.

"Brian." Jonathan spoke, catching the wolves attention. "How many guards?"

"Not many. Seven total." Brian said, glancing back to make sure he wasn't mistaken. "Yep. Seven."

Jonathan nods and looks back at the rest of the group who were talking with Marcel and 407.

"I've overheard from my cell that the government is shutting this operation down" 407 says, looking back at the building.

"Really?" Brock asks, raising a brow.

"Yeah." Marcel says, "Said they should show up sometime this week to close it down."

"What about all the hybrids?" Jonathan asks, glancing over his shoulder every so often.

"They're going to kill em. Kill us." 407 says, growling. "Trying to cover up their 'Mistakes'"

Tyler clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "We need to get this plan done."

"The guards rotate every five minutes." Lui says, pointing up at the now empty guard tower.

"We've been out here for fifteen minutes, they've changed three times already." David says, shaking his head as if he was disappointed.

"There aren't even any cameras!" Craig giggles, nudging Brian.

"The wire on the top isn't that sharp either. Seems pretty dull because of exposure to the elements." Jonathan says, looking over at Tyler.

"Maybe Evan could carry us.. one by one, over the fence." Tyler says, looking back at the doors.

"Well, it takes them a minute to get to their post after they switch." Lui whispers, gesturing to the new guard who now stands in the tower.

"Now we need to get Evan out here." Brock butts in.

"Wel-" 407 starts but is cut off by the sound of helicopter blades cutting through the air.

The group along with all the other hybrids look up into the Sky, shielding  their eyes from the sun with their arms.

Four black helicopters hover above the building and Mr. Scott comes rushing out.

"Shit!" Marcel shouts.

"Its them!" 407 shouts, backing up against the fence.

Jonathan's eyes widen in panic and his mind immediately thinks about Evan.

"Evan! He's still in there!" Jonathan shouts.

"Fall back and take cover!" Mr. Scott shouts from the gate, followed by a large group of soldiers.

The gate is thrown open and they take off.

Every hybrid whether they were on foot or in the air, rushed for the gates.

"Evan!" Jonathan shouted, trying to maneuver through the crowd.

"Get the fuck out of my way!" Jonathan snaps, Tyler and the others push their way through as well.

"Evan!" Jonathan shouted.

He knew it was pointless, but he shouted anyways.

"Ev-" Jonathan started again, only to get an elbow to the nose causing him to stumble back.

"Jon!" Brock shouts, running in the direction of the crowd with the crew hot on his heels.

Jonathan was carried out of the gates by the crowd, still holding his nose.

"Son of a Bitch!" He curses, looking back up at the doors.

"Jonathan your nose is broken." Brock states, looking him over.

"I don't care, I'm going back in." Jonathan says sternly, pushing past.

Jonathan was worried, his mind was clouded with fear.

They should have left with him. They should have stopped him from going in his cell only to be locked in.

They should have brought him outside.

'I'm coming Evan.' Jonathan thinks to himself before he stops in his tracks.

He stares at the disaster before him.

All the worries.

All the fears.

It came true.

And he couldn't do anything.

He could only watch.



※Evans P.O.V※

It was quiet in the cell. Usually the air was clouded by whispers and giggles here and there.

But it was quiet.

I missed them all.

Even though they were just outside these walls, I felt like that was the last time I'd see them.

I lied back on the uncomfortable bed and stared up at the ceiling.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my wings around myself, thinking of ways to get out of here.

When I was shaken from my thoughts. The whole building shook.

'What was that?!' I think to myself before standing up, walking over to the bars of my cell.

"Hello?" I call out.


"Hello?!" I shout again, but nothing once more.

Only another violent shake.

I could hear people scrambling from outside the walls of my cell.



Then a crack.

I slowly look up at the ceiling and watch as a large crack forms from the buildings movement.

'Holy shit.. the building us under attack.'

I take a few steps back.



|Aye. So that's the end of my book.
But don't fret, there will be a second book to this series. While you're waiting, why not check out my other book I'm currently working on called 'The Grim Reaper' I want to Thank everyone who supported me and voted for my book. Thanks! (^-^ ) ❤️
Anyways, talk to Ya'll soon! (≧∇≦)/ |

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