The Show Has Begun (Part One)

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|Apologies. Classes are a pain so updates will be a little slow.|

"Ladies and Gentlemen.. It is with great honour I present to you the Banana Circus! One of the few live Circus show's in the world!" Shouts Ohm to the crowd with his arms in the air before he steps to the side and out of the way.

Elephants come storming out from backstage, colourful mats on their backs as Cartoonz stands on the first one, waving to the people.

Then out comes Vanoss, flying past the Elephants and gliding over the crowd doing flips and tricks.

The children shout and scream, lifting their arms into the air as they try and reach for him.

Then out comes Delirious in his little car, honking his horn.

He steps out and laughs his maniacal laugh, Terrorizer, Nogla, Lui and Mini all step out after him, waving to the crowd.

"The first act on our list is Cartoonz and his elephants!" Shouts Ohm from the side as the rest of the performers step to the side.

One by one the elephants lifts their front legs off the ground, balancing on their back legs.

Lifting their trunks into the air, they hold up small platforms.

Cartoonz of course, was on the ground with his arms outstretched to the sides.

He trained his elephants to respond to his hand motions, in his words, it was a more effective way to train them.

From the back of the tent, four of the staff emerged wearing matching colours to a certain elephant.

They waved to the crowd as they climbed up and onto the small platforms, beginning to do all sorts of tricks such as balancing on one hand and dancing.

The crowd cheered and clapped, Vanoss landing next to Delirious.

As the act continued, Vanoss leaned over and whispered, "Thank you."

"For what?" Asks the Clown.

"For the whole ice pack thing and for making me feel like I belong."

A smile made its way to Delirious' face and he nods before the act finishes.

Cartoonz walks off into the back of the tent, the elephants and performers following after.

It was Mini's and Moo's turn.

Mini climbed to the top of his pole while Moo copied, but on a separate one.

Then they began their acts. Mini jumped down off of the small platform that was wrapped around the pole and swings from one hanging rope to the other.

Moo began walking across the thin wire, one half of the crowd gasping while the other cheered.

Each of them did their own tricks and stunts, wowing the crowd.

After they finished, they ran off into the back of the tent, after Cartoonz.


"Hey!" Says Cartoonz happily, taking a sip of water.

"Heyoooo" Responds Mini, smiling.

"Soooooo." Cartoonz begins "How's Delirious gonna put a stop to Ohm's abusive behaviour?"

"Well.. Delirious first wants to embarrass him. He's going to throw a few pies at him, squirt him with water." Moo states.

"Then he's going to sneak into Ohm's caboose and record what goes down between Vanoss and Ohm. See if he takes out his anger for the whole 'Pie' Thing on him." Mini finishes.

"Sounds like a plan. " Cartoonz states before walking off.


It was then Nogla's and Lui's turn.

Nogla began juggling while balancing a few plates on his nose and hands while Lui tipped his hat.

Lui mumbled a few words before shouting and waving his wand. One by one, the Balls Nogla were juggling disappear along with the plates.

The crowd 'Ooos' and 'Ahhhs' at the mystical sight before everything reappears in Nogla's arms.

They both take a bow and Lui tips his hat to the crowd as they cheer before walking into the back.

"Great show Nogla!" Shouts Lui in his little sqeaky voice.

"Ye Lui. They loved it!" Nogla giggles.

They give Each other a hug and Mini chuckles from behind, "I ship it!" He shouts.

David's face turns red as well as Lui's before they release Each other from the embrace.

"Come on. Lets go Watch Delirious and Vanoss." Moo says.

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