Chapter 6 - My Whole Life Was A Lie

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Lilith -

I stepped out of the car and gawked like an eagle at the stone palace that was in front of me, it was beautiful, it was mesmerising, it was nothing that I had seen before. " Close your mouth Lil you're catching flies" Caspian snickered receiving a glare from me.

" Watch it or I'll personally shove a whole nest of flies down your throat" I pointed my finger accusingly at him but you could tell the humour behind my voice. " Even at the Royal Palace of Werewolves you two still manage to be complete idiots" Caius walked past us whilst shaking his head, our bags were already being rolled inside so we followed them.

The inside was even more pleasing than the outside, everything looked ridiculously ancient and expensive, I was scared to walk on the ruby red carpet on the stairs up to the rooms that we would be receiving it looked that clean. " Miss Ivanov this is your room" I smiled at the maid that had opened the door wide for me to enter, she was a pretty young girl, most likely the same age as me. " Thank you...." I trailed off not knowing how to call her.

" My name is Belina, Belina Gerlin" I smiled at the girl showing her warmness and that I wasn't going to harm her in any way, the fear that these workers had for my family was intense. " Well Belina, call me Lilith" I smiled at her whilst turning around and walking deeper into the room. I knew Belina was shocked but I decided to ignore that for now and take a look around the room. It was a blush pink color with the occasional dark wood of the furniture but all in all it seemed to work well. Blush pink and dark wood, I may have to change the look of my room back in America.

"Is everything okay Miss-- Sorry, Lilith, if the room does not please you we can always change you somewhere else" She scrambled for her words whilst following my footsteps around the room. " Belina this is perfect, I love it" I grinned excitedly like a child, the door opened and my suitcases were rolled in by some more servants. " Thank you" I called out to them as they left my room. " Would you like me to assist you with unpacking?" Belina asked very politely while still standing in the corner of the room. " If you wouldn't mind?" I said taking my coat and shoes off, she was ready to come and take them off for me but I brushed it off, I can take my own coat off. " Of course" She said, once again very politely, before walking over to the first suitcase and zipping it open. " But before you do so" I saw her immediately drop her hands of my belongings, her behaviour serioisly made me question the guests before me. " Please just be normal around me, I hate people that I like being all formal" I laughed softly and seen her crack a smile in my direction.


"Any tips before I meet them?" I asked Belina who was stood in front of the double oak doors, the queen and king were behind those doors and I felt more nervous than ever to be meeting the rulers of the werewolf dynasty. " They're lovely, trust me there's really nothing to worry about and besides you're their family" She squoze my hand in a king gesture and I threw her a small smile. " Where did you say I'll be able to find you again?" I asked her quietly.

"In the servants quarters, call someone for me and I'll be able to come out I don't want you burdening yourself" I flipped my hand.

"Oh please, I'll come" I smiled at her, she gave me a slight nod before speeding off towards her duties. I felt bad for keeping her from them and I'll have to make sure that whoever was in charge went lightly on her for missing whatever she had to miss. I watched her small frame disappear around the corner and turned to the huge oak doors that were positioned in front of me, I could smell Caius and Caspian and two other familiar scents. I was sure I smelt them both before. I turned around to where my sixteen year old companion had disappeared and regretted not being able to take her in there with me.

I knocked on the door after a few minutes of hesitation, I heard a sound at the door before they both opened to reveal the most perfect pair in front of me sat on large thrones, the King and Queen were sat directly in front of me, smiling from ear to ear. I didn't want to keep them there any longer and so I decided to walk in whilst slowly nodding and giving a bow. " Your majesty" I adressed them like I would have addressed the Queen of England. " Oh Lily, call us---" The woman's eyes were clouded with tears, her husband took her hand and kissed it making her snap back to reality, almost as if his gesture brought her back to life. I saw them whisper to each other before calling Caius and Caspian over before whispering something to them, at all times however one pair of eyes was looking directly at me.

"Lily" I looked up to the King looking straight at me, anyone normal would probably feel intimidated but I felt nothing of the sort, I felt safe, I felt like a small part of me had returned. " I'm sure Demetrius had told you that we requested your presence" I nodded my head, Demetrius did tell me that Russia was eager for me to be there. " Honey she should sit down" I looked at the Queen confused, sit down? Why would I need to sit down? In a split second, three heavy looking chairs were pulled up in front of the royal pair. I walked over without being told and sat down in the middle, Caius and Caspian sat beside me.

"Lily we called you" the Queen looked at her husband, almost as if waiting for his approval. " Because we want to tell you about your true identity, where you come from, your true family" I looked at them confused. " My true family?"

" Lily... this may be very hard for you to take in, and we are completely fine with you needing time" I felt like interrupting, asking them to stop prolonging but I knew better than to do that. " The mother that you knew all your life was not your mother" I stared at the woman in front of me, not my mother ? " When you was just a toddler, my sister abducted you from us. We couldn't find her anyway, I guess we didn't look far enough" I processed the information, the Queen's sister was not my real mother, how can that be ? How did I not suspect a thing ? " When we found you, Demetrius thought it was best to keep you away from the werewolf world, for now until you was ready to find out the whole truth"

" Well if the people who died were not my parents, who are ?" I looked at them, if they were going to drop a bomb shell like that, one that was extremely hard to believe, at least they could give me the details of my biological parents. " Honey you're looking straight at them" the king replied.

I stared at them speechless. I was feeling dizzy, very dizzy. " Lilith" I looked at Caius who was ready to save me from the unconscious fall but I made myself regain my senses. " How... How can I know you're telling me the truth?" Although by the looks of things I believed every word they said, I always knew my mother, or should I say aunt, never loved me the way a mother should, I looked nothing like my father and had very small features but that could be because of my biological mother. If the whole thing was even true.

" We have many pictures with you" the queen beckoned me to come toward which I immediately did. She opened up a photo album and shown me all the pictures of a little girl, the exact same girl that I seen in the album back in England. My whole life has been a lie.

I stepped back, suddenly feeling too claustrophobic, like a sardine in a tin scratching its fin to get out. " Can I.... I just... please" my parents nodded and I ran out of the room, down the hall, turned some corners, down a flight of stairs and into what seemed like a basement. I wandered around, looking st the various different products in barrels and crates but I didn't really pay any attention to the actual names or the quantities. My mind kept replying my whole life, my aunt abducted me, I lived thinking I was a human for many years, I shifted thinking I was a normal wolf, I lived as an Ivanov not knowing that Demi was actually my brother and not my cousin. Demi must have known, why didn't he tell me ?

I guess I understood why, I knew it would have been a lot for me to take on but I would have preferred to know.

" Your royal highness you shouldn't be here" I looked up to find a male, a young looking male, avoiding my eyes with his head bowed. I looked around me and I realised that I had not an ounce of a clue of how to get back out and to my room, I ran around the castle not bothering to look where I was actually going.

" What's your name?" I asked the man.

" Christopher" he replied still with his head bowed.  " Well Christopher, mind showing me the way our?" the male nodded and tried to rush past me but I grabbed his arm and stopped him in his tracks. " Please don't be so scared of me, I don't bite" I laughed and for once the male smiled. I scanned his facial features over quickly, he must be young; maybe a few years older than me. " Yes your royal-"

" Lilith" I smiled at him and he smiled back, we started making our way out. " How old are you Chris?" I asked him and he answered without turning around but I could tell he was shocked. " I'm twenty"  I nodded.

We got to the door and I thanked him for helping me. Once he closed the door I then realised, how the hell do I get back ?

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