Chapter 33 - Final Words

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Alexander's POV-

All I could think of was getting into my room and trashing it but I knew that violence was not the answer, if I was to prove to my dad that my initial decision was right, I needed to show him my maturity. 

My father has been on my case ever since he found out that I rejected my fated mate and chose Emma, which is something I have apologised to him and the pack for a considerable amount of times. I have noticed that even some elder pack members have been looking at me with not a favourable look, I understand their perspective, their Alpha rejected their Luna without them really knowing who she was. It was almost as if I was depriving them off their right to their true luna, but how true can their luna be with her living the majority of her life as a human? 

I have never known of a werewolf to have grown up in a household where they were unaware of their true origin, even as children our senses are heightened than those of humans so surely she must have known that she was different. On the other hand, I have also never known of a human to gain a wolf without having werewolf parents. Lilith's origins have been extremely confusing me as of recent, her thick British accent made it undeniable that she grew up in England, but her registered parents on the records in England I have found no trace of. Could it be that she was kidnapped? 

I walked into my room and closed my door, I walked over to my desk and slumped down on my chair, I felt a migraine growing so I massaged my temples. My door opening and closing made me open my eyes but the scent of the person that walked in without knocking did not make me turn around. 

"Emma" I heard her footsteps halt as I can only assume she was walking towards me. " What are you doing here?" I sighed and finally turned around to see her wearing a not so conservative dress. " I have come here to talk, Alex, we can fix this" I sighed and closed my eyes, preparing for an even bigger headache forming when I speak to Emma. At one point, her voice soothed me and I was delighted to have her in my presence, as of recent, her presence and voice do the complete opposite. 

That's because the only soothing voice to us is mate.

My wolf was still pissed at me for everything that has been happening with Lilith, but his anger along with others I have learnt to live with. 

"Emma, we can't fix this" I saw her facial features slump as she realised the revealing dress that she wore was not going to sway my decision. A few months ago I was a boy, a boy who got a buzz from seeing a female body and getting the 'hottest girl in the school', I feel like now I am slowly becoming a man and realising how stupid my thought process was. A female is more than just her body and status, she is her everything, her personality, her work ethic, her morals, unfortunately, Emma is yet to learn that. 

"Why not Alexander? We have been together for years, we are childhood sweethearts and you rejected your mate for me!" I shot her a look before I laughed. 

"Emma I did not reject my mate for you" She was about to carry on her rambling before she stopped and stared at me, her mouth widely open. " Then why are you doing all of this? Is it for her? Alex I was born to be luna" The way she addressed Lilith as 'her' made my liquid of anger inside of me boil. 

"First of all she is called Liltih so you will address her as such" I knew Emma was shocked, hell even I was shocked with how protective I was getting of Lilith, my mate. " Second of all, if you was born to be Luna you would have been my mate and you are not. Emma, this is done now, look forward to finding your mate and having a life outside of this, now please leave and don't bother me again we're no longer intertwined together" I felt a pang of guilt when I saw her eyes well up, my younger self promised her so much that I never had the right to promise her. 

"You will regret this, you know that right?" her face held a mix of hatred, anger and sadness all at once, I have never seen Emma like this but I guess this is what a broken heart does. "I don't think I will Emma, but once you find your mate and you realise how sacred that bond is, you will thank me for doing this sooner rather than later" I got no response from her, she stood in my room silently observing me, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks one by one. 

After a minute or so, she turned around and left me in silence. 

I sat back down and understood that I was the reason behind so much pain, Emma's pain, my mother's pain for me abandoning my mate as she called it, my father's pain for the disappointment and embarrassment I have brought him and importantly of all, Lilith's pain with everything that I have done. 

I slumped down on my chair at my desk for a second time this night, the events of the last few months replaying in my head over and over. I have done so much damage to so many different persons, but I am doing it for the right reasons am I not? I can't have Lilith be named luna if she is not fit for that purpose. 

I recalled Leo's words before, undoubtedly, he is going to end up being a rather large obstacle in my life and getting it on track. 

Is he going to stop me? 


Nothing will stop me from finding a way to get my mate. 

Lilith.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon