Chapter 10 - Start of Trouble

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Lilith's POV -

"That's an unusual time to attack" I looked around the area filled with dead rogues. 

"Which makes me think whoever is behind this attack isn't very experienced" I turned around to where the Alpha was stood talking to Demitrius as the rest of us were inspecting the area. " I wouldn't be so sure" I said walking up to them both. 

"I agree, whoever is behind this attack may think may want you to think that they're stupid so you don't prepare for a harder attack" The Alpha looked away to consider our words before he looked back and sighed. "I guess you may be right" The Alpha looked down, I felt sorry for him at that precise moment, no Alpha wants his pack to be attacked. 

"Where's Li--" Alexander ran out into the small clearing in the forest, panting because he was out of breath, once his eyes laid onto me, his whole posture relaxed. " I mean, what's gone on?" Caspian looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I shrugged my shoulders, how was I meant to know what that was about? "Well as you can see son, our pack was attacked just before lunch time" Alexander's eyes widened but he was confused, anyone would be with the timing of the attack. 

"Do we know who attacked us?" Alexander looked between us, we looked at his father to explain to him. " No son we don't" I wanted to roll my eyes at this, you may not now but you should be optimistic in finding out who did. "Yet" Max interjected and I wanted to high five him for voicing my thoughts. 

"Yes of course, naturally we will try and find out who conducted this attack" The Alpha added on to try and convince us that he will. I looked at Demitrius and he looked at me, we both know that this investigation will be done by us and not his pack. 

"Fantastic" Alexander was staring at us, as though trying to figure out why we are here. 

"If that is everything, we will be going" Demitrius gave us our queue to leave so we all turned around and headed back towards our cars. 

I'm not going back to school, I'm exhausted. 

I mind linked Dem,  I was too tired after pack control to go back to the hell hole and have to deal with everyone there. 

I'm going to drop these idiots off and I'm going to come back too. 

On that note we got to the edge of the forest where we parked our cars. 

"I'll see you all at home" I waved them and started walking towards my car. 

"No Lil, you can not leave us with Demitrius' driving and Vivian's lectures" The twins ran over to me and dropped at my feet. "Please, you can not" I rolled my eyes. 

"Sorry guys, I'm too tired for that shit" I pointed towards the school and they were defeated. 

"Fine, but when we get back you better be energised" The got up off the grass and pointed their fingers, in unison, at me. "I'll try my hardest" I saluted them before I stepped closer to my car. The twins piled into Demitrius' car, whilst Maximus and Vivian took the other car and sped off towards school to make it in time for last period. "What is even the point to go back for an hour" I said to myself as I rumaged in my bag for my car keys, I threw them in before we set off to run towards the fight scene. 

"I don't know, I'm not going back either" I spun around to be met by Alexander. What the hell. Why is he talking to me? Respectfully may I add. I turned back around to face my car and carried on looking for my keys, I do really need to stop throwing everything into my bag. "Is the fact that you're tired really the reason why you're not going back?" I froze for a second, I was tempted to answer him, but decided against it. 

"Are you going to ignore me?" His constant talking was distracting me from actually looking for my keys. " Can you like shut up for at least a second?" I asked him, I know I was speaking to an Alpha but he was speaking to a princess. " Don't talk to me like that" He didn't even sound pissed off, could this be the famous mate bond I read about in Russia? "Or what?" I asked finally finding my car keys, I was about to unlcok my car but a hand on my upper arm, a sudden gush of wind and an Alpha now stood in front of me. 

"Did no one ever tell you that it wasn't nice to touch someone without their permission?" I asked looking down at the hand he wrapped around my arm to turn me around to face him. "Where was you?" his question took me off guard but I kept my cool, like I always do. 

"I don't have to explain myself to you" I replied staring deep into his eyes, I wasn't backing down and he knew that. " You do, I'm you ma--" I raised my eyebrows at what he was about to say, he realised and stopped mid sentence. " Get off me" I whispered dangerously to him, I don't think he was expecting that because he took a step back and dropped his arm. 

For some reason, his behaviour really really pissed me off. I unlocked my car, got in and turned the engine on. I wanted to get out of that situation as soon as possible, and that's what I did. 

Alexander's POV:

I watched as she sped off towards her house, I really regret what I had just done. 

I couldn't stop myself though. 

Seeing her in school, then watching her disappear so frantically with her clan to then finding her in a field in the middle of dead rouges really triggered the protective side of me. 

Protective over Lilith. 

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