Chapter 16 - Bad Pack, Furious Demitrius

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Lilith's POV -

"I was dreading the end of that lesson, and I never don't want a lesson to end" Caspian and Caius were the first to meet me at the cars. Today is the first day of training Alexander's pack, we devised a training plan for them to hopefully get their ass' into gear. "Neither" I replied leaning on my car as we waited for the rest to come and meet up before we collectively drove to the pack house from school. Unfortunately, training will commence every day after school which means I have extra hours I need to endure with Alexander and his annoying posse. 

"Maybe we can pretend we're sick" Caspian was thinking of ways of how we could get out of pack training today since this morning. " For a prince, you're not very professional" I pointed out with a small smile. I didn't want to train this pack mainly due to having to train Alexander too, but as an Ivanov this was my duty and the reason that we are not in Russia but in America. Our parents expect us to make sure that everything in America is running smoothly, that no pack is in real danger and that all packs are prepared for any fight. 

Rogues, unfortunately, are not the only source of danger for us. Werewolves are one of the strongest supernatural species and others tend to want that for themselves, any blow or attack they can have on our existence they will try it. With the constant developments of technology by humans they are closer and closer to finding out about our existence and I dread what would happen if they found out. We have to be on high alert at all times in all places. 

"As a prince, I don't care" I rolled my eyes at Caspian's childish behaviour. 

"I genuinely thought you were going to leave" Demitrius was walking up to us with Arria next to him, Vivian and Maximus have just gotten out of the double doors of the school and were walking our way too. " We though of that earlier but decided against it" Caius replied, he was referring back to our conversation on the way to school. " Good, that was a wise choice" Demitrius patted Caius and Caspian on the head like little lap dogs. 

"I see you all don't want to do this as much as I don't" Maximus and Vivian finally made their way to us, our expressions answered their question.

"Well, none of you really have a choice so get those asses into those cars and I expect you at the pack house in no more than ten minutes" I looked at the twins who looked at me with a smile, a mischievous smile. 

I guess only one good thing can come out of this. 

"When I said in no more than ten minutes I didn't mean try to get here in under three" Let's say me, Caspian and Caius may have been speeding a little. "You didn't specify what the minimum was" Caius pointed out, Caspian and I tried to hide our smug smirks but it was hard. 

"I didn't think I had to, I thought it would have been pretty normal to people not to drive at the speed of light" Caius shrugged his shoulders. 

"I guess you're going to have to specify that then next time" I put my hand over my face and muffled my laugh. Caspian and Caius have really been testing everyone's waters lately, if it wasn't starting world war three with Vivian in the meeting it's digging themselves a grave with Demitrius. 

"To be honest Dem, you told us to be here yet that lazy pack is fifteen minutes late" We were currently sat outside on the grass at the pack's training grounds, or what I call it the training field, as none of them had turned up yet. Not one single pack member. It's either we're early or they're seriously taking the piss. 

"To be honest with you, I don't think they will turn up" Arria was picking at the grass avoiding Vivian's glare, Vivian was glaring at everyone today. "Neither" I huffed looking back at sliding doors that led to the yard from the house, my stomach dropped a little when Alexander didn't walk past. "Well we'll wait another five minutes, if anyone turns up as we're leaving then--" I stopped Demitirus. 

"Then we tell them that training started twenty minutes ago and because their lazy ass didn't get here in time they missed it" I finished his sentence off with a smile at the end, I refuse for this pack of imbeciles to mess us around. " No Lil we can't do that" Demitrius sighed and rubbed his hands on his face. 

"Yes we absolutely can, if this pack doesn't take us seriously then we won't take them seriously" Vivian looked at me as she said that and I gave her a small smile, a thankful gesture for backing my point. " We're the royals we can't--" This time it was Arria who stopped him. 

"Dem, a future King wouldn't allow himself to be disrespected like this. We didn't have to even offer to train them, we could have got trainers from the palace to do it but we personally offered to do so" Dem looked at Arria for a few seconds before turning to look at each of us, straight in the eye. This Demitrius was a serious Demitirus. 

This Demitrius was also furious. 

"Fuck this" Demitirius stood up and started to walk towards the pack house. 

"Shit Arria" We all quickly stood up and started walking after him. " We're all up for you motivating Dem but shit, he is furious" The twins were laughing at the situation but the rest of us were not. 

This situation turned the wrong direction at ninety miles per hour on a residential corner. 

"Dem" I quickly ran up to him and was walking at his speed. 

"Dem" I tapped his shoulder but I got no response. 

Oh shit. 

He halted to a stop at the Alpha's office and walked in without knocking. The Alpha was sat behind his desk with the Luna sat on the sofa reading an ancient looking book. 

"Demitirus" The Alpha bowed his head when Demitirus walked in, we decided to stay outside but the door was wide open. 

"In all seriousness, sort your pack out and fast because I refuse to waste my time on you any longer" Demitirus glared at the Alpha hard, the Alpha widened his eyes as he didn't expect Demitirus to say that to him. 

Demitrius turned around to face us. 

"Home" was all he said. 

That's all we needed. 

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