Chapter 12- Alexander's Mind

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Alexander's POV:

"Where did you go?" Emma asked as soon as she got back from school. 

"Alpha duties" I replied to her with not much emotion, the more time that I spend with Emma the more I get annoyed of her presence.  "Is that all I'm getting?" She asked crossing her arms across her chest, she tried to stand tall and strong but my aura was bigger than what she could ever handle. "Yes, that is exactly all that you're getting" I replied to her, I didn't even raise my eyes off my phone. 

"I'm your mate" For some reason, this triggered me more than it was supposed to. 

"I am not your mate and you are not mine" I replied finally looking at her, there was anger in my tone. "Then why are you telling everyone that I am huh?" She asked and I couldn't help but be annoyed at myself and the fact that she was speaking a lot of truth right now. "It might have been a mistake to do that, I said that because I needed someone relatively strong to be a Luna" That made her smile just a little bit but it didn't make her happier. It sounds bad, but I didn't really care about her happiness.  

"So will you always be like this? You never used to be this cold to me why are you like this now?" She was prying and it was annoying me. " Because you're not my mate" I replied truthfully. 

"That never bothered you until now" She interjected. 

"Because I never understood the concepts of mates until now" I replied without even stopping to think, my own wisdom shocked me. Do I really understand the concepts of mates?

No, if you did you wouldn't have rejected Lilith

"I don't want to live a life of unhappiness" She looked at me with desperation, she wanted me to change.  "Which is why I am going to wait for you to find your mate before I proceed with anything" My answer didn't make her happy. 

"But what if I don't want another mate?" I shrugged my shoulders, that part I didn't care about. 

"Then you're going to lead a life of unhappiness aren't you" She looked at me in disbelief and huffed. " You can't be serious right now" She replied hoping that I was joking. 

"I am being deadly serious Emma" I looked at her with the most sincerity I can muster up at this point. " You're a dick" She huffed and stormed into the bathroom, she slammed the door shut but I just rolled my eyes. 

That is something that I agree with her on.

I got up and walked over to my desk, I slumped down into the seat and opened the laptop up. Our school had an online portal service where we can access the missed lessons, I was going to go over the period that I missed. 

My thoughts wandered back to Lilith, that was a moment of weakness that I didn't particularly want her to see. As time has gone on, I feel more and more protective of her. When she isn't in my eyesight, or if I don't know what she's doing, I feel angry and anxious. Anxious about her safety, angry that she isn't with me. 

She isn't with you, because of you.

She isn't with me because of the circumstances, I'm the future Alpha of one of the strongest and biggest packs in the world. 

You're not going to be a strong Alpha without your true mate you nutjob. 

My wolf has a specific way of addressing me, and that usually includes an insult. I wouldn't be a strong Alpha with someone who was human for the majority of their life.

Firstly, you're an idiot because you're a human for the majority of your life anyway. 


Before you interrupt me, secondly, it's impossible for a human to become a wolf overnight. You have to be born a werewolf, oh but wait, you've probably never researched anything about it in your life. Why?  Because you are a dick who impulsively does everything and thinks he is always right. 

My wolf blocked me once he said that, not like I had a reply to that anyway. He was right. I never actually bothered to check if it was possible that Lilith was even a werewolf, or if she was ever really a human. Since being notified of our mating, I have become much wiser and I think about my actions more, well some of them anyway.  However, what my wolf said was true I never had actually given much thought into Lilith's origins, and if it was even possible for a human to become a werewolf. I've never really paid much attention to my history, maybe it's time that I should. 

"Son?" My dad walked in without knocking, ever since he found out that Emma wasn't my true mate he has  valued our privacy less. " Yes?" I swivelled around in my chair,  there was an obvious smile when he noticed that I wasn't being compassionate with Emma. " Hello" Emma walked out the bathroom with very little courtesy to my dad, her Alpha, which made me realise her rudeness much more than I have before.

"Ivanov's are here for a meeting" He said looking directly at me. 

"What for?" I asked him intrigued, was it about the incident between me and Lilith before? Surely they wouldn't bother themselves so much with something so small? " Regarding before" He replied implying about the pack attack. 

One thing that my Father had always done was never tell the pack when it was under attack, or that an attack had occurred. Something that I and he do not agree on, however I'm not the Alpha yet. 

"Conference room or your office?" I asked standing up ready to follow him, Emma grabbed my hand and tried to accompany me to the meeting. "Sorry Emma this is a leadership thing" I told her shrugging her hand out of mine. 

"Are you actually serious right now? That hum--" I turned my gaze at her letting her know not to test me or not to utter another word. " Emma?" My dad decided to pry. 

"Nothing Alpha" She replied throwing me a glare and storming out of the room, past my dad. 

"Conference room, son you go ahead I'm going to help your mother" I nodded and walked past him towards the conference room. My dad knowing that my mate was mingling with the Ivanov's was the last thing that I needed. His theory would be that she is a royal, something that is simply not possible. 


I don't need your sarcastic laughs right now. 

As soon as this meeting is over I'm going straight to the pack library and I'm going to do some research on this matter. 

"Caius I swear to fucking god if you even so much as touch my pop tarts" I heard my mate's voice from behind the conference door. 

"Then take it back" Caius must have been the one to answer, with a desparate voice. 

"My driving isn't even that slow" Demitrius replied sounding hurt. 

"No it's not slow driving, because it isn't driving at all it's as though you're walking your car" That made me giggle myself. 

"Oh god,- right I take it back Caius I'm not about to put you through that traumatic experience" Lilith sounded extremely dramatic when she said that, I'm not sure if it was intended or not. "Thank you Princess Lilith" For some reason, Caius calling her a princess really stuck out to me, but I can't pin point why. 

"You three are absolute children, why are you like that? Why are you allowed to make decisions?" This must have been Vivian, she always seems so stern out of the whole group. 

"Who pissed in your panties today?"

"Son are you ready?" 

Lilith.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora