Chapter 20 - Confrontational Emma

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Alexander's POV -

"What are all those books for?" Emma was drying her hair as I came into the room with all the books I can find on our existence. " For me to read" I said placing them down onto my desk.

The books are for me to find out what the situation is with Lilith, there has to be a way that we can make this work. Seeing her fighting yesterday made me feel so many different emotions I didn't know I possessed. She is a strong fighter for sure, she took on those wolves without shifting whereas everyone else had. Everyone else but Demitrius, the idiot who let her fight in the first place. Watching her fight those wolves made me feel proud of her, it awed me how someone who hardly knew about us could fight like that. But when that wolf pounced on her, I lost it. The thought of something happening to her, the thought that she could be hurt and I wasn't there to protect her made my stomach do churns like never before.

Oh, let's forget how much you have already hurt her yourself.

That's the hardest part of it all, I don't want to admit it but I knew I must have hurt her in some form.

"You don't read Alex" I rolled my eyes.

"I guess I do now" I opened the first book and looked at the words, it was in Latin.

"Let me see" Emma picked one of the books up and examined her, her eyes scanned the front cover and her face turned into a scowl. "Why are you reading a book about werewolf history? Alexander you never cared about our history!" She threw the book onto the bed and stood facing me, she crossed her arms like a teacher scolding a pupil. "It's time that I did, after all I'm going to be an Alpha soon" She scanned my face and scoffed.

"Really? You expect me to buy that bullshit? I know you're reading all of this to learn more about her" She said her with such disgust that it angered me, it angered me a hell of a lot.

"Her has a name, and that name is Lilith" I put my head in my hands, why am I even explaining myself to a wolf who is nothing in this pack? "I don't care what she is called, I am your mate now and I will be the Luna of this pack so forget her" I snapped my head up at looked at Emma, I stood up and towered over her.

"At this fucking rate you're not going to be anything, until you find your mate you are nothing in this pack. Call yourself what you fucking want but you are NOT my mate, when you find yours you will realise the mistake that you're making" I said walking around her and getting the phone off my bed. "Really? You're still here with me" I clenched my fists and closed my eyes.

"Maybe I should be somewhere else then" I said storming out of the room.

Why is everything so god damn complicated?


Lilith's POV -

" I'm driving home, I'll rather be the one crashing my car than have you do it" I said snatching the keys out of the ignition and stepping out of the car. "They were just a few near misses" I shot Caspian a look.

This male over here nearly crashed my car, my Bentley, seven times. On a straight forward road.

"To my defence, I didn't actually crash" I glanced at Caspian again, warning him not to utter another word. "I guess that puts a stop to you driving her car for a while then" Caius skipped off towards Demitrius and Arria. "I don't get why you don't drive your own cars" I moaned walking off after Caius, Caspian right by my side.

"It's not as fun as driving someone else's car" I looked at Caspian confused, these twins confuse me to the point of no return. " That makes zero sense, you know people would die to have the cars that you have?" Caspian looked at me and gave me a cute, innocent smile to show that he knew. I rolled my eyes but smiled anyway, my family may be weird, confusing and stupid but I wouldn't have them any other way.

"Just a warning Lil, Emma is walking over here and she seems to be very pissed off" Vivian was looking behind me, her hard stare was on as Emma could see her out of everyone. Vivian was someone who you just wouldn't want to mess with, and she can make that be shown too. "You" I didn't turn around even though I knew she was referring to me. "I'm talking to you " My anger was rising but I was keeping it on the low.

"I suggest--" A hand wrapped around my arm and spun me around, but my stare made her words falter. "Use my name and I may consider talking to you" I looked at her menacingly, I was in no mood to deal with her fucking bullshit. I was too tired for that shit, not enough beauty sleep for this. "Also" I wrapped my hand around her wrist and pulled it off my arm. "Don't touch me" I let go off her hand and turned back around, Demitrius was warning me to stay calm and professional.

Wonder if he would be calm and professional dealing with someone that your mate chose over you.

Wait, why am I even bothered about that?

Because he is your mate, you are destined to be.

"Can I please speak to you?" I turned around this time with a fake but genuine looking smile.

"Of course" I said glancing back at Demitrius who nodded his head to approve even though he knew I was being fake. " Okay" She started walking off, I started following her and motioned for everyone else to stay where they are. Emma led us close to the entrance of the school.

"Back off" I pulled back confused.

"Alexander is no longer your mate, he is mine and I want you to back off" I looked at her, I scanned her face to see if any of what she was saying was for real. It seemed to be all for real. I sighed and looked at my family before looking back at her. " First of all" I cleared my throat to give me time to explain this to her without swearing or being too angry.

"I'm not sure if you understand the concepts of mates or not, I would hope that you do but if you don't then I'm sure someone from the pack could educate you on this" She looked at me, she was confused but angry. "Alexander will never be your true mate, but I take it you've never met yours so you wouldn't understand that" She was about to open her mouth but I put my hand up to stop her.

"Regarding the latter part of your concern, I don't actually know what you're on about" She slit her eyes into daggers.

"Really? You've messed with Alexander's head, he's doing things he's never done before! I don't know what you have up your sleeve but you are not going to take him away from me, you fucking ---" I stopped her again.

"Take this query to Alexander then as I do not account for his actions" I felt a presence behind me.

"And I advise you speak to her with more respect" A hand slipped in mine. "You don't want to piss off the Ivanovs" I knew Vivian was smiling sarcastically. She pulled me away and we walked back towards the group.

I am way too tired for today. Way too tired.


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