Chapter Eighteen: Old Face Suprises

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(Hello Everybody! We're back! Did you get what I was going for? If you didn't you might be surprised this chapter, if you did, Wow! Good for you! Your power of deduction is incredible. I am truly surprised! Welp, let's get into it!)

You sighed as you woke up in your bed the next morning, your body covered in the soft white hair of the gem wrapping her arm around your waist. You chuckle and twist around to face Jasper. She was fast asleep of course, even with a slight hint of snoring. You decided to try and get out of her grasp so you could check up on Percy and Pink.

Suddenly your door burst open, revealing Percy in the doorframe. He looked frantic. The loud noise woke up Jasper, which resulted in her sitting up quickly, letting go of your body, and falling off the bed. "Ah, Fuck!!" She yelled. You rushed over to the other side of the bed. You turned to Percy in the doorway, Yelling "Percy!!" He chuckled, but tried to hide it by covering his face with his hand. You huffed a piece of hair out of your face.

"Well, Percy? We're awake, is something wrong?" You asked him. Percy stopped laughing, seeming to remember why he barged into your room in the first place, and his face got deadly serious. "A green hand ship landed on the beach."


Right after you heard what Percy said, you got up from your bed and started running around for clothes. "Holy Chiz, Why am I supposed to deal with this?? Isn't this Steven's job??" Jasper was laying on the floor as you rushed around "Either they're looking for me, or they want the Gems. That simple. We should be fine if they're looking for the Gems though, no one should want us dead unless it's for a reason." She sighed, but then her expression changed abruptly to one of worry, and you started wondering what she could be thinking about.

You pulled out a black tank top and a pair of red leggings. You smile as you snached up your black combat boots and a pair of Harley Quinn socks and ran off to go change in the bathroom. Today feels like it needed a little bit of flair to it, especially if you were gonna meet new gems from homeworld...


Finally! Your Dressed! You had put your hair up in a ponytail, as well as grabbed a hoodie to complete the outfit on your way out the door. You were greeted by Pink, who was hiding behind a rock, staring at the ship lying on the beach. "No one has walked out of the thing yet, I think they're waiting for someone to confront it." Pink told you. You looked down at pink and smiled "Why not then. I think I'll go say hi, guests need greeting." Pink has looked better. He hasn't been getting enough sleep, and at night sometimes, he'd come into your room and wake you up to talk. You've been getting better at slipping in and out of Jaspers grasp because of Pink. He's been telling you about his nightmares.

Sometimes they're about his mother not being who they all say she was, Sometimes it's seeing you get hurt or worse, killed. You smile as Pink looked at you with worry in his eyes. "Don't worry, Pink, Nothing bad will happen to me." You knelt down and messed with his hair a little bit to confirm your words. He sighed, then nodded. "I'll watch you from here, if anything looks bad I'm getting everyone else." You stand up and smile down at Pink "I wouldn't have it any other way." You told him.


You walked down to the beach where the ship had landed and stood there for a moment, examining it. It looked just like the one that had landed on the beach in front of Stevens house, but the sky wasn't a dark green. The Index finger part of the ship laid down on the sand and you could hear the sound of a door opening.

The first to come out was a young pink lady with long hair. She wore a pink dress that went down to her feet with the shoulders and the collar covered in lace. Her gem was on her forehead like Pearls, but as you looked at her, you felt a hint of calmness wash over you. The other gem that walked out had long black hair and bright blue eyes. She wore something that resembled egyptian-wear. You didn't really know how to describe it. You had a choice back in highschool, graphic design or clothing design. It's gotta be obvious what you chose.

The Perfect Gem I Jasper X Reader (Discontinued:See End of Book)Where stories live. Discover now