Chapter 15

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"Why don't you do it, you scared?" She smirks and challenges me. "No, I need to go," I say as I'm putting on my shirt and leave out the room. I was wondering around the school and finally get to my next class.

And guess who was in there? Malia. But she was also talking to Ruth who was right next to her. The only seat available was all the way in the back.

Woah there, but nice hickeys

Delivered 10:22 am

- from Malia

Fuck. "Grayson why were you late?" The teacher points out and then everyone looks at me and I hated it so much. "looks like lover boy was about to get some," some guy shouts in the middle of the class "Daniel, shut it or to the office," the teacher yells and he just laughs

"I'm waiting Mr.Dolan," she stops doing what she was


"I'm waiting Mr.Dolan," she stops and waits for his answer

"what? His last name is Dolan?" I mumble under my breathe and Ruth turns to look at me confused. "it's nothing," well it is," I tell her and she gets ready for me to tell her what's going on

"so I started texting someone on this app and at first was anymous but after I found his account under the user Bdolan," I whisper to her and she's still confused "I don't know how he looks like, and I've been trying to know who he is and turns out it's Grayson!" I tell her

"Yeah but his name is not Bailey," she laughs at me and it pissed me off "watch, I'll prove it," I smirk at her and she just lays back to her seat


I need to figure out how I'm going to get proof that it's actually him.

Maliaa09: Bailey when am I going to know who you are 👀

And I wait for him to text back on his phone but he doesn't. Ok, it might not be him but still. "everyone pay attention, I'm going to partner you up for your projects," the teacher calls out

"Ruth and Madison," and I just hear Ruth groan and does a fake hand gun and shoots her head. I was laughing at her. "Grayson and Malia," I just roll my eyes and I see Ruth now laughing at me and I flick her off.

I go over to his seat and don't even bother to talk to him. The asshole left me with Alec and left with that girl. "I'm sorry for leaving you earlier," he whispers to me but I act like I don't hear him.

Throughout the whole class all we did was write down notes then I hear Grayson trying to get himself comfortable, well I thought he was. He was trying to cover the boner he had and I just 'accidentally' let my books fall on his dick. "Fuck, what was that for," he says in sharp pain and I laugh to myself and I almost fall off my chair

"would you guys like to share with the class what's so funny?" and again the teacher stops the class and I just say,"sorry, I dropped my books and they landed on his foot," I tell her and she just goes back to what she was doing

He was still complaining about the pain and I just held in my laughter. "ok, I deserved that but not there," he said and still didn't pay attention to him


We walk out the class room. "I'll go to your place so we can study," he tells me and I replied,"why not yours?" I ask "because Cameron thinks I took you out on a date the other night when you woke me up and tried to kill me," he tells me and I just agree on meeting at my place

I walk by him and can't help to hear him and that girl in the  blue hair say," aw look at Bailey actually doing his work," she laughs and that's when I knew it was him.

I walk away and go to the bathroom.

Maliaa09: "aww look at Bailey actually doing his work,"

Bdolan is typing...

Bdolan: lol what are you talking about?

Maliaa09: don't hit me with lol and shit. I know who you are.

As I'm getting out the bathroom, I see Grayson walk away from the bitch in the blue hair. "aw hey Bailey," I tell him and he tried to talk to me but I just storm off but he kept following me

"let me explain," he tugs at my arm but I pull back. "nice dick by the way," I laugh and he just stops and sighs heavily "we all have our secrets ok! You have yours and I have mine," he says before I walk away from him

Bdolan: let me explain.

You just blocked 'Bdolan'


The day was already over so I go back to my second period class so I can switch partners. "hey Mrs. Lee, can I change my partner?" I ask her "why?" She asked "we have problems with each other," I pull my lips in a line

"well, now I won't because you guys will need to learn how to get along and if you do all the work alone I'll fail you both," she smiles and I just leave because trying to convince Mrs.Lee is difficult.

You can't ignore me, we still have a project.

Delivered 2:32pm

- from Grayson

Wait is this Grayson or Bailey?

Sent 2:34pm

- to Grayson

Too bad I'm already here and your mom let me in.

Delivered 2:34pm

- from Grayson

"Fuck!" I yell out loud in the parking lot. I drive home and when I get inside I see him on the couch. "mom what is he doing here?" I yelled and just gave me the face of be nice or I'll embarrass the fuck out of you.

I go upstairs to my room and he follows me. I didn't even call him up here, ugh. "can I talk to you now?" He stands up and sighs heavily "sure," I say sarcastically but he went on talking," I'm sorry but technically I didn't lie okay my middle name is Bailey and the reason why I never told you who I was because I'm obviously someone else on the internet. I'm not labeled as the nerd on it." "Then why the dick picture?" I bite onto my lip because he was huge not gonna lie.

"Ohh, yeah that was accidental I think," he grits his teeth and starts turning red in embarrassment "I'm only doing the project with you and that's it," I roll my eyes

"Is that how you rolled your eyes when you send my picture?" He mumbled understand his breathe and he just smirked ",I fucking heard you, you dick face,"


Boring chapter, sorry but it's a filler. :)

I'm getting my braces back for my 15th birthday since I don't want anything big and I want to fix my teeth.

Love you all <3!


-maritza 💌

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