Chapter 5

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Maliaa09: heey

Bdolan: wow, you can't resist me can't you cupcake;)

And it was him.

Maliaa09: I knew this would be you.

Bdolan: how cute you want to see how I look like don't you?


Maliaa09: nah.



<<Back in time

"I know you miss him. You act like you don't and what he says to you doesn't bother you but it does more than bothering. It hurts you. You feel like you need him with you in order to be happy but you don't. But you know that you aren't what he wants. And I think you deserve better and can do better," I tell her and she just looks at me in the eyes like I was right because I know I am.

"You don't what you're talking about," she tells me and I can tell her voice was starting to crack which meant I was absolutely right 

"I do. You were crying earlier today." I scratch my neck

"Who the fuck are you?" She started saying and seem to get all offended of what I was telling her

I know her but she obviously doesn't know me.

"Grayson, but of course you don't know who I am. You're too busy pretending to be someone who you aren't. You pass me everyday in the hallways but never see me. Remember the day you heard some girl laugh and you thought it was Alec checking some girl out? Well she was laughing because he had dropped all my stuff onto the floor. You didn't see anything till now."

I look at her and just remembering that day it hurt. I was being laughed at and surrounded while no one helped me out.

She looks down and I can feel that she was know feeling bad. But I leave and don't wait for her 'im sorry' bullshit.

I go back to class and just feel bored. Alec was right behind me and I felt myself getting the chills. I started to feel really nervous and scared. I don't know why he doesn't like me, I never did anything to him.

I walk in front of him to get to my seat but I he puts out his foot and I trip. All you hear is a loud thud on the floor and it gets the class attention. "next time watch out," he whispers as he gets down low to the ground to tie his shoe

And obviously people can't help but laugh of how I was still on the floor. "Grayson, get up or are you trying to mop up the floor?" The teachers scolds me and laughs too

I had to deal with this everyday. I would rely on my sister but she finished school already so now she thinks the bullying stopped. But it's just worse.

I get to my seat and just write onto my paper.

I hate this place

"What's wrong with today's society?" A girl asks the class a question and I raise my hand and I was the nerd of the school obvious

"People expect too much from you. They want you to be someone else just so you can fit in," I make a weak smile at her but she doesn't say anything

"Loser," Alec yells and everyone just laughs and no one says anything to him not even myself.

I've really had enough of him. I've dealt with this since freshman year. What did I do to him?

They don't know what it's like to be treated like you're nothing. Like you aren't even here and you're all on your own. No one to talk to when you are down, when you have big news.

I feel my phone vibrate and it was a text.

Stand up to him, we both know you want to do it. It's time you put a stop to this. <3

Delivered 12:32 pm

-from unknown

I look around the room and almost everyone was hiding there phones and using them.

"I think society is the same. We are still humans and humans do mistakes and we learn from it." A girl says and I completely disagree

"No, if people learned from there mistakes they wouldn't repeat them but they do. So therefore they haven't learned. Today's society expects too much for women to be all fit for guys. Guys are still assholes. And I'm a guy but you don't see me fighting with people who haven't done anything to anyone. Yet, it happens," I let it out and you can tell I was mad

I was fusturated with all this utter bullshit. "That's how you see it," Alec jumps in

"Wanna know why? Because you're that shitty human. Just because you feel like shit you make others feel it too. You take us down with you. So therefore fuck you!" I get up from seat and look at him

His gaze went to me and he seemed really angry and I was now regretting saying that. But before he can do anything to me someone else spoke up. "He's right. Last week you said my hips were too big and that I shouldn't even have a boyfriend. But you didn't know I was gay," she tells him and faces him

You made it happen. It's happening.

Delivered 12:44pm

-from unknown

I smile at my phone.

"Yesterday, you were too busy looking at my chest that I had to call someone to get me another shirt because I was too distracting for you. There was nothing wrong with my outfit. Just that you use your dick a lot then your head," a girl in blue and cute freckles tells him

He was so surprised on how people were now telling him shit. So he just leaves.

The teacher fell asleep through it all. Which is good. I take my seat and the girl with the blue hair smiles at me.

So I offer her a smile back.

"You guys can leave," teacher shouts and everyone goes straight crazy towards the door

I get up and wait for everyone to leave. But I was still feeling scared, of how he was going to make me pay for speaking up.

"Hey," the girl in blue hair comes towards me and smiles

"Hey." I responded back but I felt a little nervous not just with Alec but being near her

"I'm Jade," she says as she pushes her glasses up and it gives me a clear vision of her freckles along with her nice brown eyes


I wasn't gonna update but I had nothing to do but I'm gonna take a nap now bye.

First chapter with grays pov so far I'm liking how I'm writing this. We are almost close to 100 views :')!

I hope you have an amazing day and you are worth it ❤

So I'm told that Caspar drops his video of the twins tommorow :-)!

I cri.

Anyways I hope the twins are happy:( I don't want my smol beans to be unhappy

Gtg gtg nap !

Peace hoes 😉

-maritza 🌻

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