Chapter 4

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So many years of education yet no one taught us how to love ourselves and why it's important

- quote from Tumblr :)


"When can I meet her?" I look at her while I'm just on the floor in her arms. "Soon, we barely started dating and she's not in town." She smiles at me


I go back into class and I just get a whole bunch of stares. I take a seat and I get a note.

Alec is talking shit about you.

I look at the person who wrote and I smile at them. I have to suck it all up and pretend like it doesn't bother me. But it was really bugging me.

We all get excused to leave class and I just take my time to walk out the door. Because as soon I leave the class I know what's heading my way. And that's a lot of shit I don't need.

And now it's happening. I stepped a foot out of the classroom and I see Alec having a boy against the lockers. It was the boy who I bumped into earlier.

He looks so afraid. This is why he was scared being near me earlier. "Alec, leave him alone!" I yell and he lets him fall hard onto the ground so I rush over and help him. "Are you okay," I look at him and he didn't look at me, he just kept his gaze at the floor

"You're so pathetic," Alec taunts as he's standing behind me. So I get up and put on a brave face but all I wanted to do is be in his arms for them just to hug me.

"Thank you means a lot coming from a dick like you, what has he done to you?" I stand up and get up all on his face and he took a step back

"I don't need a reason too, I do what I want to do. I know you miss me and all you want to do right now is kiss me. Don't you babe?" He smirks and he knew me too well. I told him all my habits and all my ways of lying to people

"Tell everyone, how you went to my place last night and cried," he laughs and now there was a people surrounding us and he knew exactly what he was doing to me

I put my lips together, holding back the tears and trying to get the words out my lips. "What if I did? I needed to know why you left me!" My voice starts to crack and I can already feel the tears forming in my eyes and he was just laughing at my pain

"Because you're a bore," Stacy shouts out "guess what? This bore got to be with him while you're wishing he even looked at you." I yell back at her and her smirk fades away

"I'm sorry I couldn't please your manly needs. You and your horny shit," I say and he just begins to turn red. "You got it right people he was too busy thinking about sex all the time then just me in general." I project my voice and people just laugh while others were recording us

"You three in the office," A teacher called Alec, the boy, and me.

We all follow the teacher and the boy stood right next to me. It was the first time I ever see him around school. We were told to take a seat and we all do. Just that Alec decided to sit two seats away from me.

I just look at him and he didn't see me but this hurts so much. I don't wanna let go of what we had. I want to be his and no one else's. I just want him.

He is what I need to be happy and stay happy but I'm not what he wants clearly. "Can you explain the loud and obnoxious fight?" The principal looks directly at me like if I did something

"And you Grayson, I'm disappointment in you. You know better," he looks at the boy and shakes his head to the side and he just stood there quiet even though he didn't do anything

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