Chapter 8

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I couldn't stop laughing at what Ruth said and I just look at Grayson who's not laughing. "Oh don't be such a buzz kill, you can't lie that was pretty funny," I chuckle a little but he isn't saying anything

"To you, she's my sister and it makes me cringe," He points out and just shrugs. He is right if Ruth was my sister I would of been uncomfortable.


The rest of the time we ate in silence and all I wanted to do is leave. The tension in the room was just awkward. I can feel Grayson shake his leg up and down that his jeans would touch my leg.

"Are you okay?" I look at him and then down at his leg that kept going up and down but it sped up

"Yeah," he whispers back but I wasn't convinced. He was ether nervous of something or he just feels weird here next to me. Because I can totally relate to the second one.

"Thank you for the dinner Cameron, it was delicious," I smile getting up from the chair and so did Grayson.

I took my plate to the sink and Grayson came in here aswell but he was now laughing. "it was delicious," he mimics me from earlier and laughs "lier, Cameron can't cook for shit," he laughs hysterically

"I'm trying to be kind," I look up and put my lips together and he gets close to me and I just flinch.

"Calm down, I'm just going to wash my plate," he furrows his brows and chuckles and just like that he leaves

I was washing the dishes and the water wouldn't go down the drain so I put my hand to see if there was food stuck or something. There was towels in the drain, so I unclog it when all the water splashes onto me.

"Cameron? Ruth? I need help!" I yell trying to get help from someone. The wet and wrinkly towels were onto my shirt. I could feel my shirt sticking onto my skin.

Minutes went by and no one heard me yelling for damn help. The water stopped, finally but I my shirt was wet and it started to smell gross.

"Cam- what the fuck happened?" Grayson comes into the kitchen and sees me there standing like an idiot

"The sink was uh clogged and I got wet, I called your sister and Ruth but they didn't respond back," I point out but he got close to the sink to take a look

"They went out," As soon as he said that water was now splashing onto his face and he just gagged. "Oh my god, you're so stupid," I laugh at him so hard I fall onto the ground and obviously land on my ass but hard

He takes a step back and slips onto food from the floor. "Ow!" He yells and I'm still laughing.


We get towels and a mop to clean up the floor. The laughter dies off and it was quiet again. "Thank you," He says out of nowhere and I was confused why he was thanking me.

I was on my knees, drying the floor and he was mopping but he stopped and looked at me. "for?" I ask him as he's just standing there looking down at me

"for today, and for my fault you're suspended," he shrugs and I say,"don't worry it's just for a day anyways, but you need to tell someone about Alec," I firmly tell him and I do believe he should tell someone before it gets out of hand

But he didn't say anything. Everytime Alec comes up on our conversation he gets all serious and tenses up. I completely understand that but again he should tell someone.

"Grayson, I need a shirt do you think I can use one from Cameron?" I nervously ask him as I fiddle with my thumbs and just hope he says yes

"I would but she locks her room. You can use one of mine, if you don't mind," He smiles at me and I nod.

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