Chapter Seventy One: The Killer

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Connor walks into his trailer and Nate's head, which is wrapped in a bloody sheet on the table.


"Do you have any idea what I've been through?" Connor asks, glaring at Shane. "I've spent the last two days chained up by an Original vampire."

"So, you met Klaus? I only know him by reputation. Apparently, he's a real monster." Shane says.

"He's a vampire-werewolf hybrid. Do you know how hard it is to kill them?"

"From what I gather, you have to remove their head or their heart. That is according to lore. I'm just speculating."

"I had to figure out how to do it on my own."


Connor sticks a needle into Nate's gums, extracting his werewolf venom.


"I could have used some of this occult Professor knowledge of yours. Then again, you've always been slow when it comes to providing answers." Connor says.

Shane looks at him. "We had a deal. I'll give you answers about your hunter's mark when it's grown to completion."

"In other words, kill as many vampires as possible."

"Come on, Connor, why do you think I sent you to Mystic Falls?" He smirks.


Connor opens a cupboard and begins packing weapons into a duffle bag.


"There's no shortage of vampires. That town is practically infested." Shane pauses. "Listen, there's a witch mixed up in all of this. She's important to what I have planned. I want to be kept out of harm's way."

"Anybody gets in my way. Anybody. They're dead." Connor tells him.

"Okay. Sure, I'll occupy her myself. Just do what you do. The less I know about it, the better."


Connor walks across town square with the duffle bag over his shoulder and enters the Mystic Grill.

Jeremy walks into the backroom with a bin of dishes. He places the dishes on various shelves when he hears a noise. He looks around and goes to investigate. When he sees that nothing is there, he turns around only to see Connor, who puts a knife to his throat.

"Do I have your attention?" He asks. Jeremy nods slowly. "Good. Then let's talk about vampires."

In a diner, Allison sits across from Trinity.

"So..." Trinity says, cutting into her waffles. "Rayne. Did your family keep their journals?"

Allison sets down her orange juice. "Yeah." She nods. "They weren't with my parents though." She rolls her eyes. "The last thing they wanted was for anyone to find out about their crazy ancestors. I found them after Laylah first started appearing to me. They were buried on my grandmother's old property."

"Did they help you with your transition? Suddenly you're not a like everyone else. There's a whole world that they don't know about."

"A bit. I learned some good techniques. Mostly they just talked about how I was supposed to help you. What my role would be and what not." She looks at Trinity. "How are you handling that?"


"You spent most of your life thinking that you were alone. Then one day you find out that you're the Potential and going through the Quickening. On top of that, you have to deal with all the supernatural drama that your friends are stuck in. Now you're a Queen. Suddenly you have all this responsibility. A council to build, a race to lead. How are you doing this without your head exploding?"

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